Chapter 37

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"Ibrahim alaihi salam was prepared to sacrifice his son for Allah and today Muslims cannot even sacrifice their time for him."


My heart just dropped in my stomach when I heard about Shirana but I didn't want to act like a heart broken child but to act according to Allah as he gave me sabr. Allah gave sabr to people and orders people to come towards sabr because sometimes when people cannot practise sabr, the affect goes straight away to their brain. Sometimes the brain is affected to such that some people loose their thinking power and that is why the sabr is said to be in the first stoke of calamity.
My conscience reminded me that Anas ibn Malik reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, passed by a woman who was weeping beside a grave. The Prophet said, "Fear Allah and be patient." She said, "Go away from me, for you have not been afflicted by a calamity like mine," and she did not recognize him. Then, she was told that it was the Prophet, so she went to the house of the Prophet and she did not find any bodyguards there. She said to him, "I did not recognize you." The Prophet said, "Verily, patience is at the first strike."
[Source: Sahih Bukhari 1223].

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." I said calmly and her eyes were stuck in horror.

"She is still alive Ahmad." She said.

"This verse is read for all the calamities that strike you, not just for death. Now get ready with your abaya and niqab on till then I am booking a taxi to go to the hospital." I said still in a calm voice but the fact that Shirana is in hospital was killing me inside. The only family I have is Shirana and Ayesha and that too Ayesha would leave anytime soon.

We reached the hospital soon and searched for Ahmish. I wonder how Ahmish and Shirana met. All the way I had just made dua for Shirana and Ayesha was worried too.

We found Ahmish talking to the doctor with a form in his hand. I rushed towards him and greeted him, although Ayesha was still coming towards us.

"Is Shirana okay? What did the doctor say? Is she conscious? Can I meet..." I said in one go and Ahmish interrupted me.

"Hey calm down and sit here." He said to me and made me sit in a chair behind him.

"Here fill this form and don't panic, in sha Allah nothing will happen to Shirana. Just have tawakkul in him." He said looking into my eyes.

"But what is this form for?" I asked him in panic.
Of course I was calm when I was with Ayesha because she is weaker than me. So to have her stable I was behaving calmly but I was loosing my strength as I was going near to Shirana.

"She had an accident and it effected her brain and it is called traumatic brain injury. It has multiple of affects but for now she is unconscious which is also a sign of it. So to bring her back to her sense, the doctors need to operate her brain." He said while giving me a pen to fill up the form.

"Yeah I know that, a large number of people die because of this in accidents. TBI is generally the result of a sudden, violent blow or jolt to the head. The brain is launched into a collision course with the inside of the skull, resulting in possible bruising of the brain, tearing of nerve fibers and bleeding. I really hope that the injury isn't much or else the problem would be high." I said and Ayesha came sitting beside me. She had heard our convo while standing and now she's sitting squeezing my hand to fill up the form while Ahmish went away for some other work.

The form had several formalities in which the first was 'relation with the patient.' I hesitated to write my relation with her because Ayesha didn't know what was the real relation between us. I guess it was time to tell Ayesha all the past which was hidden from her. I wrote my relation with her which was 'foster brother.' Ayesha's grip on my back got a little light. I was ready to face her with bombarded questions but then her grip was back. Alhamdulillah I guess she knows when to act childish and when to be mature because I didn't had the strength to deal with it now. I filed up the form and submitted in the counter fulfilling all the other formalities. The doctor informed me that the operation will be held in an hour and I came back to the place where Ahmish and Ayesha were sitting. I didn't had the strength to talk to anyone save my Allah, who is the only one who can help me and the only one who knows my situation. I felt my heart heavy and was tired of my life but then I reminded myself of jannah, which will be the eternal bliss and which reminds me that this earth is nothing but a temporary exam.

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