Chapter 8

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"Forbidden love stories end at marriage while true halal love stories begin at marriage and end with both entering paradise together"


"Is it comfortable?" Hana asked while adjusting my bridal dress

"I don't understand why I need to dress up like a full bride as we are not having any ceremony and probably there will be no guests except my so called would be in laws?" I blurted out in anger while adjusting my heavy dupatta

"Shut up Ayesha Allah has ordered us to make up and maintain ourselves in front of our husbands and the society we live in decorate themselves to show off when they go out instead of going out in simple abaya. People don't understand that our beauty is for our husband to see and not the society. Anyways you have to look the best when your husband sees you for the first time." Hana said in annoyance
Ugh Hana and her lectures. Ahh thinking of my would be husband, has he seen me yet? How did he bring me a proposal? How does he know me?

"Is it alright now?" Hana said while adjusting my mang teeka and interrupting my thoughts

"Umm yeah" I said in a sigh

"Okay girls hurry up, the qazi is here for the nikah" ammi entered and stopped right there

"Masha Allah my daughter is looking so beautiful" ammi said while tears were brimming in her eyes

"Thank you ammi" I said while giving her a tight hug

"Come on now" ammi said while wiping her tears

"Your status is going to change permanently" Hana squealed while giving me squeeze in my hand to which I rolled my eyes on her

Later the qazi took my permission for accepting Mr. Ahmad as my husband and to which I said 'qubool hai' (I agree) and he took my sign on nikah the nikah nama. He then went to the mosque where other males were waiting after the zuhr prayer.

"Ma will you stop crying, I am having second thoughts on leaving this house" I said to make ma laugh

"Don't you dare think that, the moment you are married is the moment when all your priorities changes" ammi said in a serious tone
Oopps again a lecture

"May be I should leave you two alone" Hana said while standing

"No habibti sit down, you also listen to me carefully because you are the next one" ammi said with a wink to which Hana blushed

"You people were brought up in the family with so much love and alhamdulillah with enough wealth. You expect so much from the one you love that when your expectations are not met to a high standard, you become so disappointed. You sometimes want materialistic things, you sometimes want the other half to shower you with diamonds and clothes, but you do not understand the little of sacrifices he makes every single day to keep you happy. From the moment he wakes up, from the second he leaves the house early in the morning in the cold to earn a living for you both, from the second he walks into the house after a long hard day at work. A man has many roles in his life, from being a son to paying the bills to becoming a husband then a father to your children, if you cannot see the sacrifices he makes for you and your future with him. Then you are not in love with him, you are in love with his wallet." Ammi explained while tears were dropping down her cheeks

"Ammi please stop crying there's nothing to cry on. I'll be there in the very same city" I said while patting her back

"It's not because of you habibti, I just remembered my days of early marriage. Alhamdulillah you are marrying to a doctor but I was back then married to a man who had a simple job and the company collapsed after my four months of marriage. Your Ahmish bhai was in my tummy and we had hardly something to eat. Your dad didn't get the job soon. He would go in the cold morning in search of a job and would end up coming mid night with bare hands. Slowly and slowly our stocks were finished and sometimes we only had to eat a roti (chapati) with an onion. Time passed and your dad used to bring food for me and he always said that he already had his food but deep inside I knew he was lying, I knew he was hungry because of me and his child. I used to eat my food silently because I had to feed the baby which was growing inside me. Your dad was so supportive that he would never let me take any stress and he would always sleep after making sure that I slept. He would always narrate me an ayah of the Quran which says 'And we will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruit, but give good tidings to the patients.' He would show he was happy but deep down I knew he was worried about me, he was worried about our to be born child, he was worried about our future but he never ever did loose hope. He would always smile and say Allah is with us. We used to pray tahajjud together and one day finally alhamdulillah he got a job which served us till now. The company was not so wealthy first but slowly and gradually the company started picking up and was amongst the most rich company of the city. Always remember Allah tests you even when he gives you something. Don't forget Allah when you are blessed with anything because he is never late in taking back the blessing he gave you. Allah says in the Quran 'If you are grateful, I will increase you [in favour], but if you deny, indeed my punishment is severe'. Today's generation is so ungrateful towards food because they have not seen poverty and they really don't know what starvation is" ammi said while tears were still rolling down her cheeks
We three were sobbing in tears and then Ahmish bhai entered

"ohho the rukhsati is in an hour, save your tears for it ladies" Ahmish bhai said while making his way towards me
We three wiped our tears quickly

"And you my little sister, congratulations you are officially married now, I can't wait to have this wonderful room" Ahmish bhai said with a side hug followed by a wink

"Ammi I won't give my room to anyone" I nagged while stomping my foot

"No one is taking your room. It will always be there for you. Stop teasing her Ahmish, I don't understand when will you two behave like a grown up child" ammi said while tuning his ears
I love it when ammi does this

"Who is behaving like a child?" Abbu asked while entering

"Masha Allah i can't believe my daughter is married now. It feels like you were born yesterday, time passes with a blink of an eye" Abbu said while kissing my forehead
I hugged him as I will really miss him

"I can't leave you and go Abbu" I said sobbing and still hugging

"Haha you have to beta, you have to. Now your priority is your husband. You have to choose him before me. Since you are married now I want to tell you a hadith" Abbu said while wiping my tears

"Yes Abbu I am listening" I said ignoring his eyes

"The prophet (PBUH) said: 'I was shown the hell fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful'. It was asked 'do they disbelieve in Allah?' (Or are that ungrateful to Allah?) He (PBUH) replied 'They ate ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for their favours and the good deeds done to them. If you have always been good to one of them and them she sees something in you (not for her liking), she will say, 'I have never received any good from you'. Habibti I don't want you to be among those women so always be grateful to your husband no matter what. Okay?" Abbu said in a calm tone to which I nodded

"Abbu someone is eager to meet Ayesha Appi" Abdullah entered with a smirk and everyone laughed
Ugh I felt like murdering him

"Come lets go down everyone, Ahmad must be dying out of curiousness" Abbu said and we all marched down to the hall

Excited to meet Ahmad?
No way

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