Authors Note

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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Ahh this one is the last salam to you all from this book. I was so eager to finish this book because it's been so long since I am writing and started feeling bad coz you people had to wait so long and I was really lazy to write. Anyways I am happy and yet I am sad. But why am I sad? *glares* I just wanted to finish this book any how. I guess writing a book is just like attending school, sometimes we enjoy, sometimes we are lazy, and there's a point in life when we are tired of it and wants to end it but when it ends we are happy as well as sad and when we look back we miss those days. Feels like I am giving a farewell speech *haha*. I asked people to give an article for conclusion of their inspiration but I guess no one understood what I tried to convey. Anyways here's a quick conclusion, I won't take your much time.

Ahmad and Ayesha :- Sometimes we see a pious person getting married to a person who is not so much devoted to Islam. We question that isn't 'good women for good men?' But if that person's name is written beside the other then there's something good about that person and that good is 'change.' That not so pious person is good but what he lacks is a good company, a person who can encourage him to Deen, a person who can provide him that surrounding which his soul was searching for, a person who would strive hard to have him in jannah. There are people around this world who are capable of being better but what they lack is motivation. If you are married to one like that then motivate him to Deen and stop criticizing. Slowly and gradually you can make him the person whom you have dreamt all your life. If you don't get what you want, stay patient it's all the planning of your Lord, trust him and stay patient things will change and one day you will look back and think to yourself that keeping patience was all worth it and finally you made it with the help of Allah. Remember divorce is the last option when no other option is left and there's no way out for solution.
"Any women who asks her husband for a divorce with no good reason will be deprived of even smelling the scent of paradise." [Tirmidhi, 2/329].

Ahmish and Shirana- You never know if the person you love is really written beside your name in the book decreed. It could be you are even engaged to some person from years or even from the moment you are born, but Allah's plan is something different from yours. Do not attach your heart to someone who isn't your mahram but wait until you accept him as 'qubool hai.' There's always a wisdom behind the rules and regulations of Allah, if you are not allowed to talk then don't. Know that it is your desires which are taking your legs to the road of sin. You could pass by your better half everyday and still be unknown to him and would only know him when Allah's perfect plan allows him to be known to you as your better half. What is wrong with you? Why do you hasten? Keep calm and wait for your better half.
"And among his signs is this, that he created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquillity with them, and he has put love and mercy between your hearts. [Qur'an 30:21].

Hammad and Hana- Good men are for good women and good women are for good women. A lot of people have asked me as to where will they get Ahmad as their better half? The answer of this question is just in my book, you just need to find out. That Ahmad is within you, it's upon you how you get that Ahmad. No no I am not saying to take a binocular and search for him but to be just like whom you want your better half to be, strive to be a better person and leave the rest on Allah. Your name was written beside your better half from even before this world was created, its just you are unknown to him. So do not worry about your soul partner coz whatever is decreed will happen, you can just make duas to give hidayah to him wherever he is and be a man on Deen coz he will raise your children's.

Ayesha's Parents- Whatever your spouse is going through, stay on his side and help him go through it. Do not nag and complain, for Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) saw maximum dwellers of hell were women because they were ungrateful to their husbands. Marriage is not a fairytale as nowadays people think of it, you have to do things which you do not want to do, sometimes it's hard but stay calm and strive to be the best spouse.
It was narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “This world is temporary joys, and the best temporary joy of this world is a righteous wife.” [Narrated by Muslim, 1467].

Ahmad and Shirana's Parents- The saddest thing about growing is that your parents are growing old too. You never know when your parents will breath last, stay by their side and hasten in doing good deeds to them. No matter how difficult it is, try to obey your parents for Allah has raised the status of the one who shows kindness to their parents, even before jihad. Of course you can only disobey them when they are against Islam but it is still an obligation on you to be gentle with them.
Abdullah bin Mas’ud said, ‘I asked the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), Which deed is loved most by Allah?’ He replied, ‘To offer As-Salat (the prayers) at their early (very first) stated times. Abdullah bin Mas’ud asked, ‘What is next (in goodness)?’ The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, ‘To be good and dutiful to one’s parents.’ Abdullah bin Mas’ud asked, ‘What is next (in goodness)? The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, ‘To participate in Jihad for Allah’s cause.’ Abdullah ibn Mas’ud added, ‘The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) narrated to me these things, and if I had asked more, he would have told me more.’”
[Sahih Al-Bukhari].


Anything left? I only could write this much and that is why I asked you all to give an article if you can but no one stood up. *glares* Anyways if something is left you can add up in the comment or you can add your any experience through this book. I'd love to read them except praising my writing skills lol. Yeah it's better not to praise my skills and to say something like I am so good and blah blah. I am not what I appear to be from behind the keyboard, I have my flaws and trust me on this and you would be far better than me.

Al-Adab Al-Mufrad ( Praising People - 333) Abu Bakr reported that a man was mentioned in the presence of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and someone praised him. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Woe to you! You have cut off the head of your companion!" and he repeated that several times. He went on, "If one of you must praise someone, he should say, 'I consider that so-and-so is such-and-such.' Allah is the One who will take account of him if he thinks that he is indeed like that, No one can appropriate Allah's right to attest to someone's character."

Al-Adab Al-Mufrad ( Praising People - 340) 'Ata' ibn Abi Rabah reported that a man was praising another man in the presence of Ibn 'Umar. Ibn 'Umar began to throw dust towards his mouth. He said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'When you see those who praise people, throw dust in their faces.'"

And jazakum Allahu khair to Hijabi_sister_ my younger sister to check my chapters in the starting and learning_muslimah to check the last ones. I am telling you this so that you can blame them for not editing the chapters properly lol. I know there are lot of mistakes and I am so lazy to read my chapters again once I am done writing.

A lot of people have asked me to continue writing but to my bad I can't continue writing any fictional book, at least for now. The first reason is, I think about writing plots when I should only and only devote my thoughts to Allah. This is the main reason I am stopping myself from writing even though I want to continue. My first priority, in fact every Muslims first priority should be Allah. I don't know how people write so many stories together, I couldn't handle one and thought to quit in between but I somehow got here Alhamdulillah. The second this is I don't get time and I am so so so lazy to write. But I can think to write if you people send me chocolates *smirking*.
P.s. you can follow me on Instagram for small reminders. My username on insta is Samra_bari.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for being with me on this journey of door to jannah. Love you people for the sake of Allah and may we meet in jannatul firdaws. Ameen.
Fee amanallah. Remember me in your precious duas.

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