Chapter 14

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"It is better go lose something for the almighty than to lose the almighty for something"


Ayesha's POV

After Ahmad left for hospital I was all alone in the house. I discovered that Ahmad has unpacked my clothes and settled then in the wardrobe. The house was boring and I was badly missing my family. There was not even a single family member of Ahmad in this house. I don't know what is the matter with them. I don't talk to him or else I would have confronted him plus my family is going on a holiday to see my grandma in Kolkata who lives with her elder son or I would have asked Abbu. I would be accompanying then if I wouldn't have got stuck here with Ahmad. They are leaving tomorrow that means they must be busy today packing their stuffs. Ammi would be after Ahmish bhai and Abdullah for packing but eventually she will be the one who'll pack their stuff at the last while nagging at them. Argh I miss my family. I hope my job as a teacher starts soon or else I'll go mad in this house without chit chatting and living with jinns.

So I have three options to do today which will make my day a little happening and that is calling Hana, meeting up with Hana and Hana. Wait did I say Hana again? Nah I think I should go with the last option.

I dialed her number
Tring tring tring tring
Damn why isn't she picking up the call?

I dialed again
Finally she picked up

Hello u there?

"Oops Assalamu alaikum" she said suddenly

"What are you up to madam? You were not answering my call? The Queen's call? Huh? You'll be definitely punished" I said snapping at her

"Umm sorry I was curled up in my own dreams." She said with a sigh

"Ohhoo must be thinking about your soon to be husband, Isn't it?" I teased

"Forget about it. By the way It's you who is a newly married bride and I should be rather asking those questions" she said avoiding my questions
Something is definitely up with her

"Can you come home? Ahmad isn't here because he had an emergency so I am all alone." I asked her

"Yeah okay just tell me the address" she said and after telling her the address I cut off the call

There was nothing to do so I messaged Hazal
"Kicked him out of the room on the first night"

After half an hour there was a ring on the door. I ran to open it as I knew who was it.

"Assalamu alaikum" Hana muttered as she threw her hand to hug me
I greeted and hugged her back.

"Can I come in now or this is the way you treat your guests?" She asked while we were standing on edge of the door

"You are not a guest" I said while rolling my eyes and we entered the hall

"Masha Allah the house is simple and sober" she said while gazing the room

"Come I'll show you my room." I said while clinging onto her hand

"Now you should be in a habbit to speak 'our' instead of 'my'. After all he's your better half now." She said while we were climbing the stairs
Ugh I can't even tell her that it is only 'my' room and not 'our'. I can't tell her my plan to divorce Ahmad and then marry Hazal. She'll probably start nagging at me and will eventually make the matter more than what it seems to be.

"So this is my.. Err..our room" I said correcting me while entering our room..ugh I mean 'my' room

"Wow the room is so clean masha Allah. I guess your hubby quite likes cleanliness unlike you" she said while taking off her abaya and I stuck my tongue out at her

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