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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu..

Sorry this isn't an update, and the update will neither take place during this blessed month of Ramadan because I will be busy and I suppose you people will be too busy to read any of the books update too will u? I left wattpad during my exams and Ramadan is a bonus exam to my life, why will I not leave it?

The first thing I would suggest everyone to  be away from social networking sites. Surely it educates us about islam but when we are trapped in things like chatting and commenting it kills our precious time and Ramadan is to break the habits which comes in between our Creator. Give up reading stories in this month and stop wasting time, for the sake of your Creator. If you prefer reading something knowledgeable here then add it to library and read it when free without your data connection.

If you people want to read something knowledge then I would first recommend you to read Quran with translation. I felt a change drastically last year when I read the entire Quran with translation last year in Ramadan. Believe me if you really want to change then recite Quran with translation. Read one verse of Quran in Arabic and the other in your particular language whichever you prefer. There's no sweetness in reading Quran without its translation. But don't give up the arabic version of reading. The messenger of Allah (peace and blessing be upon him) said 'whoever recites a letter from the book of Allah, he will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a ten fold reward. I do not say that alif-lam-mim is one letter. But alif is a letter, lam is a letter and mim is a letter." [At Tirmidhi]. We all know that our rewards are multiplied during Ramadan so strive to complete the Quran and read as much as you can. You can read one juzz on one day. Imagine every time you recite a letter you get rewards and it is multiplied in Ramadan. Subhan Allah. Schedule it as it suits you. The best time to read Quran is at fajr or after it. Fajr time is the time of barakah. The Quran says “Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night and [also] the Qur’an of dawn. Indeed, the recitation of dawn is ever witnessed”. (Surah al Isra 17: 78).

Al-Tirmidhi narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever prays Fajr in jamaa’ah, then sits and remembers Allaah until the sun comes up, then prays two rak’ahs (ishrakh), will have a reward like that of Hajj and ‘Umrah.” He said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Complete, complete, complete.”

Performing 'Umrah During Ramadhan
Performing 'Umrah (lesser pilgrimage to Makkah) in Ramadhan is especially virtuous because it is equal in reward to Hajj (the major pilgrimage to Makkah).
The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said:"Umrah in Ramadhan is equal (in reward) to Hajj -or he said "equal to (performing) Hajj with me." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Allahu akbar we can get the reward of hajj during Ramadan. Would you leave such opportunity?

Do you offer taraweeh in congregation? If yes then try to read the Quran with translation which will be recited that day. And take the pocket Quran with you for taraweeh. You can refer to it during the taraweeh when the imam recites the Quran. This way your mind won't be diverted to other things and you will keep remembering some translations which you read before it.

Most people during Ramadan sleep immensely just because they are fasting. When we sleep we don't feel hungry. How will you taste the real fast when you are sleeping all day and doing nothing? Don't transform your days into night and night into days. I don't say give up sleeping, never ever, don't stress your body but watch out how much you sleep and what time you sleep. Sleep before duhr and you'll get rewarded because it's sunnah.

The best thing about Ramadan is that you are awake at tahajjud. There are two things that our prophet Mohammad (peace and blessing be upon him) would have done fardh upon us but he didn't because he thought it would be burden upon us. Tahajjud and using siwak before every fardh salah. The best time to seek Allah's forgiveness and acceptance of dua is the time of tahajjud. If you don't get time then just pray two rakah that won't take much time. Use miswak often because it is a part of sunnah and you'll be rewarded especially before the fardh salah's. You can do it before or after wudu and I suppose it's not that difficult. When our prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) use to wake up or when he used to come from somewhere, he used to do miswak. During Ramadan it will take away your bad odour as well as the rewards will me multiplied of practising a sunnah. Every time you offer salah, you recite Quran, you do dhikr, you do dua, you send salawat and when you use siwak before salah, then it is multiplied by 70. Before you leave the siwak, think twice.

Give charity if you can. And gift people with good things which will help them spiritually like Qur'an, jaynamaz (prayer mat) or something which they will regularly use. They use, you get rewarded simultaneously. If you can't do this then do a charity which doesn't include money at all. Like keep a bowl of water for the birds to drink or something to eat. First I used to think that which bird would come to my home and drink from the bowl I kept but when the daughters of my dad kept a bowl of water, I saw the crows drinking from it. and I often see them drinking from it. Put some ice so that the water doesn't be too hot to be drunk in this hot weather. They drink the water and shout as if they are giving dua. My nani told that when we give water to the plants, they give us dua. They get water and you are rewarded. Pass on the words which will help people spiritually and get rewarded may be by tagging someone here or on the other books of Ramadan reminders or any other. Pass it to your sisters, brothers, cousins and family orally and ever time they act according to it you are rewarded. Quran says in Surah Al zalzala "so whoever does an atoms weight of good will see it." [99:7].

The other thing which I wanted to convey is to improve your salah, focus on the quality of salah. When the teachers give you assignment to complete don't you decorate with stuffs and want to get more and more marks (well I am lazy so I don't do much in projects but salah is something different, it is for the Creator and the reward is Jannah. Sorry that was a bad example). Go on slow with the recitation, the train isn't running away. We recite minimum things in salah like 3 times subhan rabbiyal adheem. You can recite it more times and there are many more duas which can be recited during the ruku, during the sujood (best posture of a Muslim, longer your sujoods), before the salam, between the sujoods, recite the whole rabba lakal hamd after the ruku, recite longer surah's when free and if you don't know the longer surah's then you can recite two surah's at a time.

Memorise the Quran as much as you can. Since you won't be using your extra time to chat, you'll get a plenty of spare time. Nowadays we have turned lazy even when it comes to memorisation. Isn't it? The best of memorisation I suppose it to listen to qari's and repeat after them. You won't feel bored and you will learn really soon plus it will keep a check on your tajweed. You can learn the duas, whichever you want to learn by writing it in a piece of paper and keeping it in your pocket. (The people who doesn't have a pocket can tie in their dupattas, #just_desi_things, the other reason I love winter coz we have pockets in our jackets). You can take it out and recite after the salah and adhaan (before iqamah). And you will automatically learn the dua and the surah soon without much pressure. But don't forget the surah as soon as you finish memorising it, keep a schedule to revise it. When you people will listen to the qari and recite from the Quran, you will see the people around you will be attracted towards it, if they are not then make them interested in it. Make the surroundings of your house more Islamic and gain rewards.

Don't let your mouth be away from the wetness of the dhikr of Allah subhana wa ta'la. While doing your chores keep on doing dhikr. I know it's Ramadan and you'll feel thirsty if you keep on reciting. When your mouth starts drying by mumbling then use your mobile, the same mobile which you use for reading stories here. Do the chores and simultaneously listen to lectures of scholars which will boost you up and listen to the surah's you are trying to learn. Even listen to the surah's which you have memorised earlier to check your tajweed. Just don't waste your time, especially during this month.

The ones who are trying to leave a bad habit like listening to songs, watching daily soaps and all can achieve it by abandoning it. Ramadan is the best month to make or break a habit.

Warning: Try doing your best in doing ibadat and don't force yourself much. The goal can be achieved slowly and not in one go. If you feel burdened then leave it and do a little more the next day. Allah doesn't like that you do a lot of ibadat one day and do nothing the other day. Allah loves those deeds which may be small but is regular. Keep your deeds regular.

P.s. Comment some tips of ramadan which would help me or others when they go through the comments.

I have started two new non fiction books.
1. Husn-e-akhlaq (good character)- hadiths related to improve your character is posted chapter wise. You can read it for the change of your character and to know the character of our prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
2. Islamic thoughts- all the lectures cannot be included in this so I thought to write  something which strikes my mind in the other book which is non fiction.

May we enter Ramadan in the strongest of health and make this Ramadan the best Ramadan of our lifetime. Ameen.

Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family.

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