Chapter 33

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"There is no one on this earth more beautiful than a muslim women who dresses to please Allah subhana wa ta'ala."


Ahmad's POV

An hour passed since I left Ayesha to the school and the only thing which was making me uncomfortable was that how will the people of her school treat her. I am afraid because a low confident person may take her step back because of the society. Ayesha isn't low confident but she is new on deen, she has lived so many years without being in the touch of islam. Being away from so many years may make her confident low. My mobile kept on the table beeped and there I saw the message of Ayesha. I quickly read it and Subhan Allah her message made me so happy. I gave thanks to Allah and continued with my daily appointments. After some hour my mobile again beeped signaling a message from Ayesha.

'but my staff doesn't like my new dressing :('

I checked the time and it was almost the time for the schools to leave. I rushed towards the exit door of my cabin towards my personal secretary.

"I have to leave now for some personal work." I informed him.

"But sir you have appointments." he struggled to stop me.

"Cancel all of them. its an emergency." I ordered him and went off to the parking lot.

I hurried towards the school as I did not inform Ayesha that I was coming to pick her up. I reached my destination few minutes before the deadline. The school was off and there were several people exiting out of the school so it was a little difficult to find out my wife. I got out of the car so that if I wouldn't be able to find Ayesha then at least she would find me. I saw a girl looking like Ayesha struggling in the crowd. But wait, she didn't had her hijab and abaya on. Ya Allah did Ayesha...? Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder from the back and it relieved my heart. I saw the real Ayesha with her hijab and abaya on.

"Ahmad you were staring a girl?"

"Walaikum Assalam" I replied to her sheepishly.

"Don't cut my sentence. I know you were keeping a check on a girl." she said stamping her feet on the ground and sitting on the passenger seat.
Even if I was staring, why does it matter her? I quickly sat on the drivers seat.

"By the way you weren't coming for shopping? Tell me you came to meet her. Do you know her?" She bombarded me with questions.

"Take a breath ma'am. I was searching for you and I thought it was you. And I came because you were sad."

"why do you think I am sad?"

"Because your staff doesn't like your dressing." I answered.

"Remember you told me how to be calm? Sufficient is Allah for me and I don't need approval for my dressing from the society. Now I want to dress up for pleasing Allah and not the society. So what if they doesn't like it, in sha Allah they'll point it out certain times and then eventually they'll be in a habbit of seeing me like this." she gave me an impressing answer.
Her words reminded me of my early days when I decided to grow my beard. Everyone was like why are you growing your beard?, you look so bad in beard, shave your beard it's so hairy and all the negative stuffs but these things just lasted few days, everyone stopped pointing it out and forgot about it within few days. When people see a change they comment but slowly and gradually they become habitual of it.

"Drive fast, Shirana must be waiting for me. And by the way what made you think that it was me? She didn't had her hijab on. I know you were staring at her." She said.
Ya Allah these girls and their predictions.

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