Chapter 9

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"You are exactly where Allah wants you to be right now. Every experience is part of his divine plan."


My heart was racing as I entered the room where my new hubby Ahmad was settled. I didn't dare look at him because I don't want to see the one who destroyed my love life. I could feel his gaze upon me but I didn't want to gaze at him. I pressed Hana's hand due to nervousness and she squeezed in return.

"Look up" Hana whispered in my ear

"No" I whispered without looking up

Hana was taking me to the couch where Ahmad was settled. No no don't take me there, damn I want to run away from here. She made me sat next to Ahmad and while settling my dress and gave me a thumbs up sign. We were sitting so close that our shoulders were touching and I could feel his scent. From the corner of my eyes I could see him tapping his leg in anxiety. He was wearing a pathani shoes i guess. My family members were settled in the very same room including Hana.

The first thing which Ahmad did was handing me a minimum monetary fund assigned for me to receive after nikah as mehar and reciting Surah Ar-Rahman to me with his melodious voice. Wait did I say melodious? Ugh no.

"Ahem, so Ahmad what's up for today?" Abbu asked breaking the silence

"Nothing Abbu I took leave for two days from work, you know doctors don't get leave easily" Ahmad said soothingly.

"The tea is ready." Ammi said while entering with a tray full of cups

"Ammi's tea is the best in the world, you should give it a try Ahmad" Ahmish bhai said smiling

"Yes of course I will." Ahmad said
Doesn't he's acting like so sweet. We'll have diabetes

Ammi came to me to hand me a cup of tea to which I signalled a 'no' with a mute mouth

"Shut up and drink it, you haven't eaten anything since morning" ugh why do mom's have to force every time and that too in front of a stranger. Okay okay I know he's my hubby but still a stranger to me.

Ammi was handing me a cup of tea to which I wasn't willing to drink and I was constantly mouthing a no and at the end the hot tea was about to fell on my bare hands but what happened next was unbelievable. Ahmad removed my hands and placed his hands before me and hot tea fell on his bare hands. Ouch it must be hurting. I frequently looked up and his deep hazel eyes with long eye lashes met mine. His eyes had definitely something which I couldn't resist, as if it was speaking something in silence. He had a fair skin with pinkish glow and his lips were perfectly cut. He had a cute little nose but beard? ew, I really don't like beards.

"I am so sorry habibi" ammi said which snapped me out of his gaze

"No ammi it's okay, it wasn't done intentionally" Ahmad said while smiling
Why is he smiling? Doesn't that burn hurt?

"Come wash it by cold water, in sha Allah you'll feel better" Ahmish bhai said while Ahmad followed him
My gaze followed him and he had a perfect personality with a suitable height. Ugh why am I gazing him. I really don't like him.

After a while he came back and I really wanted to say sorry to him but as promised I need to be egoistic around him.

After an hour it was time for us to leave and I was standing on the door of my house. Ammi and Hana had eyes full of tears while the boys looked sad. Aww were they really sad because I was leaving?

I hugged ammi and Hana and to be honest it was like I was leaving my soul here. My body would be some where I don't know but my heart will always be there in my parents home.

I gave my brothers a sad side hug and they kissed my forehead in return. When I reached Abbu to say my good bye it was like my heart was stabbed. Abbu gave me a smile and rubbed my tears with his hand.

"Don't cry habibti, you are going to your real home now. And don't ever disobey your husband because our prophet (PBUH) said 'he (your husband) will either be the reason you enter Jannah or the reason you enter hell fire'. Okay beta remember that he's your door to Jannah" Abbu said while trying to hide his emotion
I nodded in approval

"Ahmad you are married to my sister now, I hope you'll take care of her and never hurt her" Ahmish bhai spoke while showing his brotherly love.
Wow does he love me this much?

"Of course Ahmish she's my responsibility now. The word love in the Quran appears in over 90 places. But interestingly it doesn't define the word love, but speaks about the very first consequence of love; commitment. Islam talks about commitment, if you truly love someone or something you commit and if you do not, then your claim of real love is not real at all. I have committed to your sister and I will take care of her in sha Allah. Don't worry about it."
My mouth was struck in an awe. How does he gives such perfect answers?

"I am so glad I have got a son in law like you" Abbu said while hugging him

I soon bid good byes to everyone and sat on the passenger seat of my so called husband's car. I continuously looked out of the window avoiding his presence and to my disbelieve he did not even utter a word. He silently drove to our house. Wait did I say 'our' house? Well I meant 'his' home

The car came to a halt near a park which was few feet away. Where has he brought me? Damn I can't even ask him. Ahmad quickly removed his seat belt and came towards my car door to open it.

"After you my highness" Ahmad said while signalling me to walk towards the park

As I was about to walk a group of dogs came towards me whilst barking. Ya Allah what do I do now because I am damn afraid of dogs. While I was thinking what to do I felt a hand on the back of my shoulder and on my thigh. Ohh god what is this Ahmad up to? He carried me bridal style and his gaze met mine. I know he's trying to protect me from dogs but how dare did he touch me? I think he needs a peace of my mind.

"Put me down" I ordered as soon as the dogs were shooed off.

"This is the way you treat your wife on the very first day? People throw stones at dogs to shoo them off and you are trying to use me for shooing." I said in a huff tone while mentally laughing
He was laughing at my words. Did I break a joke here?

I was about to lecture him more but I heard claps and saw children clapping. Who are they now?

"Here this is my second home and I want you to meet my second family. Go meet them I am coming in a while" Ahmad said while smiling and then backing somewhere

The children came towards me screaming with anxiety and they dragged me towards the park. I felt dumbstruck when I saw a board hanging on top of the park which possessed the words 'orphanage' written in big letters. Ya Allah these small children are orphan? Those little innocent faces lack the touch of family yet they seem so happy. Ya Allah I am so thankful to you that I have a family because there are millions of people who crave to have even a single family member.

"Are you Ahmad bhai's friend" a small innocent boy aged nearly five asked me while I sat on the bench surrounded by twelve to fifteen children surrounding me
I did not say because I don't really know how to go along with kids

"Will Ahmad bhai forget us now because he has got a new friend?" A girl asked aged nearly seven

"No she's not his friend because Ahmad Bhai told me that she's half of his deen" a boy aged nearly ten years old said

"Is your name also aunty?" A girl asked aged nearly six years

"No her name is not Aunty because aunty's are old and fat." a girl aged 7 years old innocently said

"Her name is bhabhi, Ahmad Bhai told me he'll bring bhabhi tomorrow." A boy of nearly five years said

"Bhabhi what should we call you because Ahmad Bhai said we should not call elder people by their name" a six year girl said innocently
I struck in an awe to their innocence

"Ahmad bhaiiii" all the children shouted and ran towards Ahmad as he made his way towards us. He has brought chocolates and balloons for them and handed them one by one. He then came and sat beside me giving me chocolate and a balloon while smiling.

"Abbu, idh thee (is she) my ammi?" A girl aged nearly three asked Ahmad while tugging his suit

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