Making it up to her!!!- Isabelle's POV

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From the day I had come back,Dylan's behavior has confused me. He paid me so much attention that it confused the hell out of me.

Not to mention the kiss he gave me in the parking lot when he saw me with Nathan.

Was he jealous?

Of course Not!

I can't believe I am still hoping that somewhere it was true.

And the days after the kiss ,followed almost smoothly until yesterday. I know I shouldn't have slapped him but that felt the right thing to do at that moment.

How dare he say he loves me when just two weeks ago I was nothing but a fucking trash.

I don't even know what he said was true but I saw sincerity in his eyes which gave me a little hope that he might actually be saying truth but the memories of the past came back to haunt me and I found myself getting angry again.

If he thinks that I am that pathetic girl that I was before then he needs to double check. Coz I am not gonna fall for his charms the second time. And if he really loves me like he say he does then he has to work for it. Not everything will be given to him on a silver platter.

After I came home, I told my mom everything and she just smiled at me like she already knew this was gonna happen. After doing some of my school work, I fell asleep only to be woken up by someone gently caressing my cheek.

I opened my eyes slowly only to find someone's face close to me. My eyes widened and I let out a scream.

" Ahh- Ahh " I yelled and the person in question winced and quickly put his hand on my mouth to stop me from yelling any further.

" Calm down. It's just me." the person said while removing his hand from my mouth. It took me only a second to realize that the person was none other than Dylan. I gave him a murderous glare for scaring the shit out of me and grumbled, " Like that's any better. "

To say the truth, I was a little surprised and happy to see him here. I really thought that after yesterday he would have given up on me but here he is in my room and that actually warms my heart more than I am letting on.

He smirked at me but I could see the nervousness in his eyes.

Damn his smirks!

But I was still angry at him for waking me up so I got up from my bed and shouted at him, " What are you doing here? How did you even come here? Last I checked my window was closed." I clearly remember closing my window but then again i am such a butthead sometimes that I forget things easily.

I was so lost into my thoughts that I didn't even register what I was wearing which was a crop top and a very short shorts.

Even without letting him answer I told him, " Never mind that. I told you that I have nothing to do with you. So why can't you just leave me alone. "

Seriously! This will make everything so much better and simpler. I don't have to constantly worry about him and see what is he doing.

He suddenly caught my wrist with his hand and pulled me towards him making me stumble upon his chest. My head collided with his washboard six abs. I squealed a little at the sudden action. I felt him wrap his other arm around my waist and pull me closer to him until I was flushed against his chest.

My breath hitched in my throat when I saw him looking at me with such intensity.

" I told you why. It's because I love you. " he softly whispered in my ear. His warm breath causing goosebumps to arise on my skin.

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