75. Trouble in Hogsmeade

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 News of Alaina and Severus's engagement sent the castle into a blaze of bliss for those who were close to them or was taught by either of them. Severus was unusually cheerful and Alaina was smiling all of the time instead of just once in a while. It seemed the couple had the support of most of the students and staff. There were a few Slytherin students who remained shocked by what they had witnessed and thought it was a bad attempt at a cruel joke. Malfoy was the ring leader of that group, telling everyone that Snape would never marry a Mudblood and that it would all blow over soon. He was very lucky no one had been around to hear him say it. Of course, that was the way he wanted it.

It was the end of October and the chilly wind was already starting to kick up as Harry and his friends walked outside. It was Halloween to be exact, and the third year students were about to embark on thier first trip to Hogsmeade Village. Harry had gotten Alaina to sign his permission form just last night. She had reservatiosn about it at first with all that was going on right now especially with Sirius seemingly out to get Harry and her, but Harry convinced her that he would be careful. She reluctantly agreed, but he had no idea that she was planning on being as close as possible. There were some things he just didn't need to know.

Alaina was standing there in the courtyard when Harry strolled up to Professor McGonagall and slipped his permission form into her hand. He was walking with Ron and Hermione, who seemed excited about the field trip. They both gave their permission slips to McGonagall along with all the other students and they were then on their way. Minerva walked the group down to the gates and through them. She had planned on guiding them the whole way to Hogsmeade.

Alaina let out a long sigh as she remained in the courtyard watching the students get further and further away from her. She was so preoccupied that she didn't even notice that she wasn't alone anymore. She jumped as she felt a warm hand enclose around her own. She looked up and smiled, knowing there was only one person who could be doing that.

"Good morning, Severus," she greeted him.

"Morning, Alaina." Severus leaned down and gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

"Tell me I'm doing the right thing." Alaina had confided her plan to be near Harry in the wee hours of the morning. "You know, by following him."

He sighed. "You're protecting him. Whether he likes it or not."

"I trust Harry. I do. It's just-"

"You want to make sure he's safe."

She smiled, relieved that he understood where she was coming from. "And until I know what Sirius Black's intentions are I don't want to take any chances."

"I completely understand. So, shall we go on to Hogsmeade then?"


"Great. I haven't been there in a while."

Severus's hand tightened around Alaina's and with one last glance at each other, they started to walk. They arrived in the tiny village in no time at all and immediately began combing the crowded streets for Harry and his friends. They saw Minerva and waved to say hello. She waved back. Minerva seemed a little bit warmer toward Severus now that he and Alaina were engaged. They saw several other members of the Hogwarts staff; Flitwick, Hagrid, and even Dumbledore. Alaina read the sign hanging above them. All of them seemed to be gathering in front of a place called Madame Rosmerta's pub. She turned to Severus and noticed him staring intensely in their direction with great interest.

"Do you want to join them?" Alaina asked.

"No," Severus told her quickly. "I'm just wondering whether or not it was prudent for all of us, especially Albus, to leave the castle unprotected."

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