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Update 7/18/20: wow this chapter is sad and shitty... yikes lmfao i promise shit gets better


My e/c eyes scanned the vast room, looking for at least one encouraging smile out of the sea of frowns. Much to my dismay, I was met with nothing of the sort.

I could practically see the disgusted aura that filled the room--my head hung in shame purely to avoid the biting stares that my family members were giving me. My twin sister's mouth curled into an unpleasant smirk as if to flaunt her undiscussed victory. As if she was rubbing it in my face that she had finally beat me at everything: making friends, having our family's love, and even having a normal life.

My name is F/n L/n, and I'm a meister born into a renowned family of weapons.

"F/n," My father spat as if my name were a bad taste in his mouth. "You're a disgrace to the L/n name. Leave at once!" His words didn't come as a shock to me, but I could still feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I refused to let them fall.

"Father, let me prove my worth to you as a meist-," I began to protest, but my voice was overlapped by my mother's raspy voice booming throughout the room.

"No, F/n, you don't seem to understand the severity of this situation!"

While the adults surrounding me whispered in hushed voices, my sister scooted closer and cupped a hand to the side of her mouth, whispering acerbic words in my ear.

"I guess you're not as special as you thought."

Special... What does it mean to be 'special'?

I tried all my life to succeed at such a seemingly simple task, yet I always seemed to live in my sister's shadow. She reveled in popularity and attention, her looks rivaled that of a model's, and she was always revered as the smarter twin. Despite us being of the same blood, I still was still considered the failure of the family-- a broken branch off of the ever-growing tree of elite weapons-- a meister.

The world around me blurred as my e/c eyes became dull. The blood-red walls and black tile seemed to mesh, it all becoming a hazy blob. My family spoke of how they could forcibly emancipate me and I did nothing to stop them--there was no point anyway. 

"Why was I created if I'm simply a failure, an object of ridicule?"

I drew my s/c legs up to my chest, silently thinking back to the moment I had found out I was a meister. It was only a few hours ago, really, but it felt like days as every minute felt agonizing. I remember my heart filling with joy for the first time in two years, only for it to be stripped, battered, and broken by my resentful family members.


Sadie, my twin sister, and I sat underneath the shade of a tall, cherry blossom tree, its pink blossoms falling around us delicately. I sighed in discontent, resting my small face in my palms and shutting my eyes.

'Why can Sadie transform but I can't? Why can't I be special for once?' I asked myself sadly, slowly lifting my face from my palms again. We were both already 8-years-old, which meant that we were on the cusp of gaining our transformative abilities. Our parents were exceedingly proud of Sadie when she showed off her ability to transform and anxiously waited for my weapon form to reveal itself. Despite my family's words of encouragement, I could tell that they didn't expect much from me. I wasn't special like Sadie.

After opening my glistening e/c irises I gasped at what I saw. The colorful world around me was filled with empty darkness, the pink petals of the sakura tree no longer clouding my vision. I turned to my sister to tell her, frightened that something was wrong, yet instead of being met with her e/c eyes I was met with a small, floating green soul.

"S-Sadie!" I exclaimed "I can see your soul! It's green and floaty! I think I'm a meister, like the ones that wield Mommy and Daddy!" After blinking, the blackness faded and was replaced with a disgusted look twisted upon my sister's face.

"A meister born into a family of renowned weapons? How could you possibly be happy about this?" She growled. 

"Because I'm finally different than you! I finally did something that you can't!" I cheered, a bright smile taking over my usual blank look. "I'm finally special..."

"Let's have our parents be the judge of that, loser," My twin sister barked, dragging me off to the mansion we called our home.


Now I sat, awaiting my parents' final decision about how I will be disposed of. They discussed with multiple members of my family, the conversation growing more violent by the second.

"Just leave her in the streets, the disgrace will die within minutes!" My cousin laughed, making my Aunt's cheeks flare a bright red in anger.

"We can't do that, then her body would serve as evidence that we didn't take care of her!" She cried, everyone nodding in agreement.

"Why don't we give her back to that damned Reaper. Maybe he can put her on the death list," My father suggested. Everyone nodded their heads, whispering amongst themselves.

"Wait, honey, I have a better plan," My mother intervened, flipping her blonde locks over her shoulder.

"Great," I muttered under my breath, "It's as if I'm already dead to them. I wonder what my mother is going to come up with. Burning me alive? Sending me away to a foreign country?"

"We should let her do as she says, try to prove her worth as a meister. Since she has the Soul Perception ability, she must be a strong meister despite failing our lineage," My mom continued with a sneer, making people gasp throughout the room. "We can let her wield Sadie along with a friend of our daughter's, Evelyn Carter. That way she can make two weapons Death Scythes and prove herself to be worthy of the L/n name. After all, if this plan succeeds, the L/n name will be revered throughout the rest of history!"

'Of course, her plan is selfish,' I thought sadly, 'After all, why would she have any reason to keep me if they didn't gain anything from it?' Sadie wailed in protest, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Why does she have to wield me, mommy!" My twin whined, "Why should I be punished like this?"

"If you want to be a Death Scythe, Sadie, I would trust your sister to make you one," My mom cooed, treating her as if she were golden. "If she doesn't transform you and Evelyn into Death Scythes by her 17th birthday, she can consider herself disowned from the family."

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now