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"Always here," I muttered, looking around the familiar smudged flower field that haunted my most recent dreams. "Soooo why am I here?" I looked around to see if anything had changed, yet it hadn't. The smudges were still gorgeous vibrant colors with the centerpiece of a black, white, and golden smudge.

You can guess what that was.

An arrogant smirk spread across my s/c complexion as I looked at the dark tint that sat in the middle of my dream. I poked and prodded it, seeing if an asshole would appear out of it to haunt me when I wasn't looking or if it was a dark void I could fall into. The only result I got was black painting my palms making me sigh in disgust.

"Fun times, man," I fell down onto my ass out of boredom, my red dress getting even messier. I lazily fell onto my back, looking toward the sky to see the motionless clouds. This was what I did every time I fell into REM sleep, I simply laid in my fucked up flower field and enjoyed the forever unmoving white cotton balls in the sky. I let my e/c eyes roll back to see the messy blurred grass surrounding me only for another pigment to catch my eye, black.

No, it wasn't the void of darkness in the middle of my dream that I was ever so proud of, it was a small black rose that was slowly losing its dark petals. One slowly drifted to the ground to be surrounded by a few others causing me to frown in disappointment.

"Why did this happen to me!~" I crudely sang out, mimicking all the crack videos I watched on YouTube in my free time. I rolled over to face the flower better, looking at how unnatural it looked sitting in a collection of green smudges opposed to grass.

Despite it being a stupid idea, I couldn't help outstretching my arm and poking the flower. It surprisingly remained perfectly still and unblemished. I gasped in surprise, a smile making its way onto my face.

"I like you, I'm going to name you Kuro," I said, pointing at the flower. Said flower remained still, only swaying when a wind swept through the field making me sigh in irritation. "This is a dream, right? Shouldn't random stuff happen in dreams that are really entertaining? Like, oh I don't know, this damn flower coming to life for my entertainment!?"

I continued to shout at the flower to come to life, yet it never did as I said, unfortunately. As I waited for the mystical change that was totally going to happen, I changed positions; moving from lying on my stomach to sitting with my legs crossed, to even the downward dog.

Because why the hell not, nobody was here to judge me anyway.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting I gave up, closing my eyes and throwing my arms into the air in surrender. "Fine, just don't do anything you stupid flower."

"Well that's not very nice," I screamed at the top of my lungs as a deep monotone voice responded, my eyes flying open to be met with dull black ones.

"Holy shit! It's human Siri!" I made my index fingers in the shape of a cross, shoving them in human Siri's face. "Let god compel your evil soul! Burn in hell!"

"Human Siri...," it mumbled to itself, poking it's index fingers together repeatedly. "I am not sure I understand,"

"Holy shit, it's totally canon!"

"Please slow down, I'm not sure I understand what is going on. The name you gave me is Kuro, not Human Siri. Would you like to change my name?"

'Okay life,' I thought with a sigh, 'I did not want you to give me Siri as entertainment--wait, did that dude just say he was Kuro?'

"Wait, Kuro? You're alive? Fo realz?" I slurred, befuddlement taking over my face.

"I suppose," his voice was almost robotic, yet I didn't mind. I jumped in the air, pouncing on the boy and giving him a bear hug. "W-what are you doing?!"

"Giving you a hug, of course," I said matter-of-factly, tilting my chin in the air like I'm all the shit.

Because we all know I am, duh.

"Please be careful, Miss F/n, if you crush the flower I could die," Kuro replied as he wrapped his arms around my waist protectively. I pulled away from him and turned in his comfortably-strong grip, looking at the inky black flower I had been screaming at earlier. "After all, that flower is me."

"Ehhhh?" I squealed, leaping from the boy's lap. "T-that's actually you?"

"Yes, of course," the noirette muttered while standing from his place on the ground. Taking a moment to look him over, I mentally thanked my mind for giving me such a good-looking dream companion.

The boy was a few inches taller than me and he had wavy black shaggy locks, his hair brushed to the side to reveal his dull, dark eyes and his pale face. He wore a tight white shirt that had the collar loosely strewn to the side, it drooping onto the black vest he wore over it. He also wore black slacks and nice black dress shoes, all neat and tidy, unlike the messy and tattered red dress that I wore.

I stood from my place on the ground, looking up at the boy in front of me and asking the question that was infesting my mind.

"How are you not smudged? How have I not ruined you?!" He looked at me sadly as I balled my hands into fists, hurt swelling in my eyes at the thought of how the rest of my dream world was destroyed because of me. A pale hand was placed in my messy h/c tresses, a warm feeling enveloping me from the simple gesture.

"It's because I-," Kuro began, the world surrounding us flickering from black and white to vibrant color multiple times before the color finally stayed in its place. Kuro sighed and dropped his hand to his side, giving me a small smile. "Looks like I'll have to tell you later, you are waking up Miss F/n,"

"No, wait I-!" I called, Kuro fading from my vision as the world around me turned a pure white.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now