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After cleaning for three straight hours, Evelyn and I sat on the sparkly clean floor (which even Levi would approve of) back to back.

"Finally," Evelyn panted, resting her face in her palms. I did the same, my body feeling as if it were withering away from the pain of intense cleaning.

"We should really order take out," I suggested, too lazy to mess up the now perfectly cleaned kitchen by cooking.

"Ungrateful bitches," Sadie snarled as she burst through the door from her room, phone in hand with a bitchy look permanently plastered across her face. "Eat the damn pizza I wasted my precious time to make!" A trite remark hung off the tip of my tongue, lying in wait for me to slay the bitch in front of me, but I instead paused. A sickeningly sweet smile twisted upon my face as an evil plot brewed in my mind within seconds.

"Oh no Sadie, I think you misunderstood. We couldn't eat your amazing looking meal because it would be wasted on nobodies like ourselves," I began with mock sympathy, my smirk growing by the minute. "Therefore, we saved it all for a person deserving of such a delicacy, you."

I took a razor-sharp blade from the knife rack, expertly slicing the charred pizza into six pieces. Setting down the knife and grabbing a slice, I held it dangerously close to Sadie's disgusted face as I bat my eyelashes in feigned innocence.

"Fine, order the damned take out." Evelyn and I high-fived in celebration, which made me drop the charred piece of pizza onto the floor.

"No!" Evelyn and I screamed in unison, grasping each other's shoulders in horror as we practically shook each other to death.

"Why is this happening to us?" I cried out as I fell to my knees, mourning the once perfectly cleaned kitchen.

"Ew, I don't know you," my twin said as she shuffled away from my crumpled form. "Just order the takeout already, loser! Loser number two, you clean up the mess that loser number one made." I looked over at Sadie with an 'are-you-fucking-kidding-me' look plastered across my face, Evelyn doing the same.

"I'm assuming I'm loser number two...," Evelyn muttered as she pointed to her small form. "I guess I'll get cleaning for her royal heinous then."

"Oh fuck you."

"Please, bitch. You're pretty, but not that pretty," Evelyn sneered, "I'd honestly rather fuck a cactus."

"Period," I cheered, pulling my phone out of my pocket to finally order some takeout pizza. Upon pulling the device out, a small scrap of paper slipped out with it and began to flutter gracefully down onto the tile floor. Catching it mid-air like a ninja, I glanced over the words scrawled on the small sheet of paper.


Call me 😘

-Nathan Ross'

Well then.

The note left me curious and slightly intrigued as to who Nathan really is, a patch of roses blooming on my cheeks as I twiddled my thumbs and lightly trapped my lip between my teeth. My mind began to dawdle and ponder all of the possibilities, a subtle longing to meet him again beginning to take over my senses. I quickly typed his number into my phone and made a mental note to text him before the night ended. Before I could wipe away the silly smile and crimson blush that adorned my face, Sadie noticed and had a smirk curling onto her plump lips.

"What's that?" she asked, snatching the paper out of my hands before I could process what she was doing. Her smirk grew wider as her eyes lit up, a dark and malicious aura surrounding her. Something about it made me feel nervous. "Ooh! So a boy likes you! That's a first."

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now