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A scowl adorned my rosy lips as Soul and I made our way into my backyard. We were both mentally preparing ourselves to begin our training together despite our collective few hopes of success--we were from completely different worlds, desperately hoping that our souls would resonate in order to satiate the requirements of Stein's assignment. My backyard was nice and spacious, a few trees outlined the periphery of the area and a fence caged them in, keeping us separated from the neighbor's lawn.

"Alright, let's get started," I muttered as I cracked my knuckles and stretched my arms.

"I don't see why we have to start so soon, the project just started, after all. Stein hasn't even assigned us to start working as a team yet."

"I have special circumstances," I said, thinking back to the day my family practically disowned me, having no hope that I could make two death weapons. "We need to begin going on missions as soon as possible, understood?"

"Yes ma'am," Soul muttered, looking off to the side wearily as his fiery crimson eyes seemingly dulled. Nodding despite his gaze not being set on me, I began to focus.

'Alright, time to find your soul,' I thought, my e/c eyes opening to a black wasteland. Though my physical eyes remained closed, I could still see this dank world of souls, one of the few places I would escape to in my free time.

I didn't have to look far to find a pale blue soul in front of me, its eyes half-lidded with a jagged smile adorning its lips. My own soul is quite large, it would actually encase my body if a meister were to see it, yet in this world, the soul that represented me was a small f/c one, its edges round and the stem of it looked like a h/l ponytail. Unlike most, my soul had small headphones wrapped around its form with a cute, cat-like smile adorning its face.

'Target spotted!' I reached out to grab my temporary partner's soul so I could try to establish a bond with it, my fingertips nearly brushing its surface. Unfortunately, an outside force working against me as I felt my body being forcibly shaken. I powered through despite this, my s/c hands coming into contact with the blue orb. I was immediately sucked into Soul's memories, images flashing through my mind of his recent past.

I saw him smiling while talking to his friends, him being shown off to a crowd of onlookers by Kid when he first became a death scythe, some of his missions with Maka, and even when he first met his partner. Through all of these, a smile or smirk was set on his face, a gloomy look immediately spreading across my own.

'Damn, how am I supposed to match my soul with a guy who's always happy? C'mon, don't you have anything sad in your life, Soul?!' Soul's frame got smaller as the memories went on flashing through my mind, him now being a child of about 6 or 7 years old. He sat quietly at a shimmering black piano, a tailcoat and suit shrouding his body. He delicately brushed the keys, one of his fingers beginning to press down harshly, but no sound came out.

'What is this?' I thought as I looked around, my gaze resting on a man who looks like an older version of Soul. He had shaggy white hair and red eyes that burned holes through the pianist on stage, a frown set on his handsome features. 'Could this be-' A shove from the outside world pulled me to my senses, my y/h frame lying on the ground while Soul stood tall above me.

"Oi! Are we going to train or not?! Don't just stand around like an idiot," Soul held a pale hand out to me, my eyes analyzing it closely.

"Your hands were definitely built for a piano," I said, tugging on his palm and pulling myself to my feet. "You have long slender fingers. I'm sure you were great at it." I watched as his eyes widened, he obviously wasn't expecting that. I removed my hand from his and took a step back, watching as all his reactions flooded his body and buried themselves in his crimson eyes.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now