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After playing Smash for too long, we both had passed out on the couch with our heads layered on top of each other while light snores escaped our lips. Luckily, the game paused itself due to one of us sitting on a controller. I could surmise that Soul had done so as the only pain in my ass was sleeping next to me and slobbering on the couch.

Unfortunately, all good moments have to come to an end. A light beeping noise sounded from my room, waking me from my nice slumber. Once I recognized it as my alarm clock, I ran to turn it off, making sure to hit it with as much force as possible as my way of saying 'shut the fuck up.' After I was done I ran back over to Soul, roughly shaking his shoulders back and forward in an attempt to wake him from his languor.

"Sooooooul!" I cried out, hoping that he would open his eyes. My attempts were fruitless as he never woke up, so I resorted to my final plan. I drew my head back as far as I could, my hands still remaining on his shoulders. Using the pent-up force I slammed my forehead against his, his crimson eyes flying open as I drew my head back. Both of us rubbed our foreheads in pain, a grimace set on Soul's lips.

"The fuck did you do that for?" he asked whilst sending a glare my way. "That was so not cool."

"Not looking to be. We're going to be late for school if you don't hurry your ass up!" Soul looked me over and then examined himself, him rolling his eyes after.

"We're already wearing our clothes from yesterday; just shower, brush your hair, and brush your teeth," I scoffed, crossing my arms in response.

"That's disgusting."

"Maybe for you, but I don't have a change of clothes!" I tapped my chin in thought, remembering we never retrieved necessities from his place due to my reluctance to see Maka.

"You may have a spare pair in Sadie's room?" I suggested to which he nodded in response. Once I had reminded him where to find the room he ran off, myself following after so I could go to mine. Upon arriving and slamming the door behind me, I threw out a pair of clothes then ran into the shower.

A small mood-changing necklace fastened around my neck was the only article of clothing left on me, the water from the shower cascading down it along with my bruised and battered body. The small rose pendant glistened as I hummed the tune 'Ever After' by Marianas Trench.

Once I had finished in the shower, I quickly dried off and slipped on my clothes, wanting to look suave since I'd be seen with 'popular royalty' (not). I wore an off-the-shoulder black shirt with light pink skinny jeans adorning my s/c slender legs to match. I added some black high-heeled boots as well after hiding my beautiful rose necklace under my dark shirt. Putting on a touch of makeup to hide the bruises Maka had given me, much to my digression, I now look worthy of being popular.

Besides, why not look sexy once in a while?

I quickly threw my h/l h/c locks up into a f/h (favorite hairstyle) then rushed back down the stairs into the living room, seeing Soul dressed in the old black and yellow jacket and red jeans that he would wear before he became a death scythe.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked, not noticing his eyes roaming my figure.

"You~," he purred, walking over to me and hugging me from behind. "Who knew a loser could look so hot?" I grumbled in response, digging my heel into his black and yellow sneakers. A growl of pain escaped his lips before he let me go, a smirk of satisfaction spreading across my own.

"I was kidding-," Soul began, interrupted by my small remark.

"Looks like you don't want breakfast!" I exclaimed with a giggle, running off into the kitchen and making myself some toast. While waiting for the toaster to pop I watched the clock, the black hands resting at '6:45'. I sighed, knowing I had a mere 15 minutes to get to school while Soul was still yelling for me to make him breakfast. Ignoring and watching my toasted bread burst out of the toaster, I took it and ran while calling for Soul to follow.

"I'm not running anywhere until I get some god-damned brea-," he began, interrupted by the half slice of toast I had shoved in his mouth. I shoved the other half in mine, rolling my eyes irritatedly.

"Let's go, dumbass."

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now