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That's how I am where I am now. I live in Death City, Nevada like all the other meisters and weapons, desperately trying to create a weapon suitable for Death himself.

I looked at the starry night sky from my bedroom window, the moon laughing while crimson blood seeped from its pearlescent teeth.

"I'm sixteen," I muttered to myself sadly, resting my chin atop my balled fists.

"That means only a few more months 'till you're disowned," A voice exclaimed jovially. I turned to look at my twin sister, startled by how starkly different we now looked.

She had bleach blonde hair that fell into bouncy spirals, purple eyes, and tanned skin. (If you look like this, change it.) She changed her appearance completely so she couldn't be associated with me, the failure.

"She already has 60 souls for both of us!" Evelyn said as she came bounding into my room. She balled her pale hands into fists and yelled, "Just leave her alone, Sadie!"

"Whatever," My twin sneered, sashaying out of my room and entering her own. Evelyn, my best friend, sat next to me on my bed and rubbed my back, muttering words of encouragement.

"Evelyn," I sighed, "My birthday is in a few months! Just how am I going to collect 80 souls, two of which being from witches, when Sadie never cooperates?" Evelyn giggled and transformed, a blue light enveloping her form. A look of befuddlement crossed my face from my weapon's sudden actions, resulting in me frantically catching two weapons in my palms opposed to the normal one.

"E-Evelyn!" I muttered, surprised at her ability.

"I have an uber-strong meister with a hella great Soul Precept ability!" She whispered, "I practiced a lot and learned to become two weapons so we could get more souls! This way, DWMA won't even remotely suspect that Sadie isn't training with us." I looked down at her shining red katana blades, my smile meeting the reflection of hers.

"We've got this," We both cheered before a grumpy voice yelled, "Shut up and go to sleep, losers! Beautiful people need their beauty sleep, not like you'd know,"

We both snickered before Evelyn left for her room and I slipped into my bed, the warmth of the covers making me drowsy.

It's been nine years since I've met with my parents. The DWMA wouldn't let my team go on missions until we were all 13, meaning we've practiced a lot. Well, Evelyn and I have. Sadie refused to come to practice or go on missions for various reasons.

"I can't be seen with losers like you!"

"Why would I waste my time helping you collect souls just so you can stay in my family?" My sister's excuses rang in my head, making a silent, humorless laugh escape my lips.

My eyes began to feel heavy as the minutes slipped by, my tired body eventually falling into a restless slumber.


"F/n," A boyish voice called; making me wince and squint my already-closed eyes.

"F/n," He called again, a bit louder this time. I sighed in response.

'What does a girl have to do to get a little bit of sleep around here?' I whined to myself as I opened my glistening e/c irises; beautiful pastel colors immediately overwhelming my senses. I giggled as I stood, spinning about to fully take in the beautiful scenery.

Everything around me looked like a handmade charcoal drawing. Everywhere I turned a color would meet my gaze, my h/l h/c locks swishing behind me in the breeze.

I stood in what seemed to be a flower field, the flowers and grass swaying almost mechanically to the will of the chilly breeze. I reached my hand out to touch a flower, but just as my fingers brushed the bright red petals, the flower smudged just like a drawing would.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now