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The bell's jarring tone rang throughout the school yet again, signaling the end of the day. Evelyn and I left after every other student had flooded out of the room only to part ways to go to our respective lockers.

Upon opening mine, shredded scraps of paper fell onto the ground around me. I picked up a piece, noticing it was parts of my homework.

Laughs filled the room as my hand automatically balled into a fist, crumpling the shred of paper I held. Lifting my eyes to look at my locker door, I noticed messages written in red permanent marker.

'Die already!'

'You're such a loser'


Many messages said, making me even more furious. 

I picked up the other scraps of my homework, heaping them into the trash before shutting my locker with a bang. As I began to walk away, I felt myself trip over something. I fell face-first onto the cold tile, blood dripping from my nose slowly and pooling out onto the floor beneath me. 

'That's the last fucking straw.'

"Losers really do be trippin' though!" A feminine voice yelled above me, making everyone laugh even harder at my disheveled form. "Aw, c'mon F/n, you can get up, right?"

I picked myself up off of the ground slowly, met with the bust of the taller girl who looked down upon me bitterly. Wiping the blood from my nose with my sleeve, I met her crystal blue irises with a glare of my own. I wanted to keep my mouth shut like I knew I should, but words seemed to flow freely this time. After all, I am known to be a bit hot-headed in the worst of situations.

"Hello, Liz, care to tell me why you decided to knock me down today?" I asked sarcastically, making everyone in the hallway gasp.

"She talked back to Liz fucking Thompson!"

"That girl is dead! It was nice knowing her I guess, haha."

"Why is she taking back to one of the Spartoi members?! She probably just wants attention." The whispers of the crowd echoed throughout the hallway, the unpleasant sound falling upon my unwelcome ears.

'I guess it's too late to turn back now...,' Despite the unfortunate situation, I almost wanted to smirk. 'Might as well tell her to shove it. I'm just doing the lord's work, after all.'

"Well? Do you have an answer for me, or are you just going to stand around?" I asked again, boredom filling my hazy e/c eyes.

Liz stayed silent, obviously trying to think of how to formulate a comeback through rubbing her two brain cells together--I could practically smell them smoking. Before she could, however, I began to walk off. Despite the confident and haughty aura I gave off, I was trembling in my boots. Never have I spoken back to Liz in retaliation, but damn did it feel good.

"Thought so," I yelled, looking over my shoulder with a forced smirk. "Next time, try to use that pretty little head of yours. I know, it's shocking, your pea brain has a purpose."

"Fat ugly whore!" Liz cried, balling her hands into fists as her cheeks became a rosy shade of red. I froze in my spot, the blood draining from my face before I mechanically faced the blonde-haired girl once again. 

'I guess I couldn't get away that easily,' I thought before taking a deep breath and summoning what little confidence I had left, a bitter smile twisting at my lips. 'I've got to finish this quickly or else Liz is going to kick the shit out of me.'

"Honey, you shouldn't say such bad things about yourself. After all, confidence is key!" I said with a wink, speed-walking over towards Evelyn's locker after noticing the stunned look on Liz's face. Once I got there, I noticed her eyes were as wide as saucers.

"What the hell were you thinking!" she yelled, shaking my shoulders. "Now she is definitely going to kill you!" I sighed in acknowledgment, Evelyn and I quickly making our escape from the DWMA together, deciding that today we weren't going to take on a mission.

As we walked from the school grounds, a streak of black zipped past us, making me turn my head in a mixture of shock and confusion. Upon catching sight of the 'UFO' rushing past, the world seemed to stop just to catch a glimpse of him. It just so happened this UFO was unfortunately less green and alien-like, and more undeniably hot and reaper-like.

I sighed in nostalgia, he looked exactly the same. His raven black hair was trimmed perfectly, the white stripes still running across one side. His golden eyes seemed to glow like molten lava while his pale skin reminded me of the first winter's snow, his facial features sharpened in the most aesthetically pleasing manner.

His attire remained the same, excluding the addition of a black jacket with pristine white stripes going down the middle. He grew significantly in height as well, him now towering over me along with most of the female population within the DWMA. I'd know considering he's never without a girl by his side.

Our eyes met, gold clashing with e/c, one single emotion displayed in both sets--the emotion both connecting and separating us.

Love? No.

Sadness? No.

Sympathy? No.

It was the only emotion I held near and dear to me ever since I was eight.


𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now