Solomon's Child Part 5

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Lucy's mind snapped awake as the light of a new day began to light the world around her, "It" instantly recognizing that a new day had started and forcing her mind awake without a hint of drowsiness. Lucy understood that awaking to perfect clarity was completely strange but it had been so long since she had a normal night sleep that she couldn't even remember what it was like to not be at one hundred percent the moment the sun peaked over the horizon.

Stretching her arms and standing up, Lucy brushed the grass and twigs off of the back of her dress before confirming the security of her surroundings. It had been about a week since the Daybreak job and Lucy had been spending every day at either the guild or confirming the geography of the city in case she had to make a quick escape. Every night however she returned to the forest just east of the city, the same forest that bordered the coast line. While Lucy had no real reason to expect anyone to attack her here in Magnolia, her old training still kept her on edge and in the end was there any real reason to sleep in an alley as opposed to Mother Nature?

Lucy didn't actually make her way to the guild for another few hours, spending the early hours of the day continuing her exploration of the city until the guild would have more than just Mira in it like she had discovered early on. Opening the door and quietly making her way to the bar, Lucy was greeted by Mira's smiling face.

"Why good morning Lucy, your here early as always."

"mmm...I always get up early in the morning." Lucy explained as she sniffed the air, her mouth watering slightly at the scent of eggs wafting out of the kitchen behind Mira. "Could I please order some of those eggs Mira?"

Mira giggled before turning away. "Of course Lucy, it's so refreshing to have someone be polite when they order something for a change."

The guild was quiet for awhile, the only sound being the silver haired barmaid cooking behind the counter. But the silence was soon shattered when the guild doors slammed open to reveal a smiling Natsu and Happy.

"Hey Mira! Can we get some breakfast?" Natsu yelled as he approached the bar.

"Sure thing, coming right up!" Mira shouted from the kitchen.

It was then that Natsu noticed the blonde mage sitting quietly at the bar, his grin growing even wider as he approached and slapped a hand on her back. "Here for breakfast Lucy?"

"Yes, I don't feel like hunting this morning." Lucy casually explained, causing Natsu's and Happy's eyes to grow wide.

" hunt for your food?" Happy asked cautiously, clearly fearing for his life.

"mmmm, there's actually a plentiful amount of deer around here." Lucy explained as Mira walked back into the room, holding one tiny plate for Lucy in one hand and a massive pile of food in the other for Natsu.

"You shouldn't do that Lucy, if you're hungry you can always come to me for food, I'm willing to feed you if you don't have the money." Mira chastised, clearly having overheard the conversation from the kitchen.

"It's not that Mira; it's just an old habit from when I was traveling. I would rarely spend my nights in villages so I just hunted when I had to." Lucy explained as she took the plate from Mira and began to dig in, her stomach growling loudly at the scent of food.

"Why wouldn't you stay in any towns Lucy, nothing beats a nice bed after a long days journey." Natsu asked in between shoveling food into his own mouth, and handing Happy the fish Mira had delivered alongside his own food.

"It's just in my nature, bad things tend to happen in towns." Was all Lucy said before shrugging slightly and turning her head back to focus on her meal.

Solomon's Child (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora