Solomon's Child Part 20

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"Ar- Artemis...please tell me that you can detect some survivors in the area. Some way for us to track down the people who might have taken Fairy Tail." Lucy breathlessly asked, trying her hardest to ignore the maelstrom of emotions that Dragon Lucy was failing to suppress.

"...Unable to detect any organic signatures within the vicinity and lack sufficient data to determine origin point of magical disturbance...I apologize Master, I lack the information necessary to answer your expectations." Artemis apologized before bowing behind Lucy's back, the blonde archer completely unaware as she fell powerlessly to her knees.

She was aware that Artemis was continuing to speak behind her but she couldn't hear her over the sound of her heart beating painfully. Her vision began to shake as she gazed out at the world of white that stretched out before her, her breathing quickly becoming panicked gasps.

Images of her team, her guild, sped through her mind as she wrapped her arms around her body, trying to protect herself from a foe she couldn't understand. If everything she loved, everything that validated her existence could vanish in an instant without even being able to defend themselves then what was the point of her power? What was the point of her existence now? She had in essence failed her mother, as she wasn't capable of following after the dragons, and had once again failed to protect the people that were important to her., I won't accept this. Lucy eventually thought, her thoughts darker than they ever had been before. If this world wants to take from me, then I will take from the world. I refuse to let this world continue to cruelly steal all I care about...I will rule over this twisted reality. I wil-.

But before Lucy could think anymore her surroundings warped and twisted transforming into the Fairy Tail guild hall. Lucy's thoughts froze and her mouth opened in shock as she jumped to her feet and whipped her head around wildly. Everywhere she looked she could see the smiling faces of her comrades.

"Everyone! What happened?!" Lucy shouted in shock as she looked twards Natsu, the fire dragon slayer still grinning at her like normal but not answering.

"Warning; illusion magic detected. Life form on approach, moving to defend Master." Artemis said as she drew a lacrima pistol from a compartment on her leg and moved to stand between her Master and the hooded figure that was slowly approaching, the Machias not having detected the man before right then. But the man didn't even glance at Artemis, instead focusing on the blonde girl who was staring off into the distance with a shocked look on her face. "I...I apologize Lucy, I did not want have to resort to such methods but I couldn't let you fall into a panic." The man apologized before striking his staff into the ground, the illusion of the guild hall and the members of Fairy Tail vanishing to once again reveal the world of white earth and gently rising bubbles.

Lucy blinked slowly as she tried to keep up with the situation, but eventually she just turned to stare at the man, recognizing him after a few seconds. ", the magical signature is different. You're...Mystogan?"

The blue haired man nodded before smiling sadly. "Indeed I am, I wish we could speak under better circumstances but the situation is dire."

Lucy continued to blink slowly before tensing slightly, her thoughts going back to her missing friends. "Th-that's right! Mystogan, do you know what happened here? Where did everyone go?"

"...To Edolas." The blue haired mage answered grimly as he stared up into the sky, Lucy following his gaze to see a massive swirling cloud hovering just over the center of what used to be Magnolia. "They were taken to another world, the world beyond the Anima."

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