Solomon's Child Part 18

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The girl that had once been Lucy skipped confidently through the forest, humming a tune that had not been heard on the face of Earthland in over five hundred years. Despite the severity of the situation, and the risk the original consciousness was in, the entity couldn't help but feel a sense of elation at seeing everything it had taken for granted back when it had been alive.

The dew that gathered on the tip of a leaf, the sunlight filtering through the trees, the moss gathering on the stones at its feet, everything that most would never spare a second glace to were things that the entity couldn't help but take a sense of pleasure in now that it was once again in living flesh.

It would be better if the forest creatures would approach to pay their respects to a ruler but due to her sheer magical energy the forest critters remained wary of it. But at the very least through its magical energy it was able to detect their presences and at least take comfort in knowing that they were nearby.

And it was through this magic that the entity detected a magical presence approaching her physical manifestation, a magical signature that felt quite familiar to its flesh.

"Thou need not hide, Knight. This one has no intention of harming thee at this time." The entity commanded in a voice full of authority, the trees themselves parting in response to its regal presence to reveal a nervous looking blue haired man staring at its flesh.

"...Answer me this being...are you not Lucy of Fairy Tail?" Jellal questioned as he took a battle stance, the sheer magical energy emanating from the white haired girl so powerful that his body was beginning to shake.

"Hmmmm...thou are both correct and incorrect warrior. This one is but a remnant that have taken this flesh for thyself. But this flesh is indeed the flesh of "Lucy of Fairy Tail."" Lucy giggled, completely ignoring the threat that Jellal represented. "But this one must ask, why does thou care for whether this flesh is hers or not? Were thou not one who sought to end both her and one of her knights? Has thou simply taken leave of thy senses?"

"While I don't understand why the spirit who stole her body would care, but I owe that child my life. She saved me during the events of the Tower of Heaven along with her partner who freed my mind. And while I came here to hide from my crimes I cannot ignore her plight...and despite your power if I have to fight you to save her I will do so without hesitation."

The two stared at each other for a brief second, Jellal glaring at her while the entity simply smiled back, before Lucy began to giggle once again.

"Thy will is most impressive, Fallen Knight. But thou need not feel concern for this child. This one wishes for nothing more than to return her spirit to her form." The entity announced with a smile. "But in order to do so this one must first...unleash darkness upon this land."

"I see...then if it's all the same to you I would like to accompany you in order to ensure the truth of your words." Jellal continued, finally relaxing as much as possible despite the still overwhelming magical energy.

"Of course, this one would never deny a knight's loyalty. That is simply the purpose of a king." The entity agreed with a smile, turning and continuing to skip farther into the forest, Jellal only hesitating for a second before following after the strange girl.

The two moved in silence for a way before Jellal turned to the strange crimson eyed girl. "Am I allowed to ask you a question being?" He asked, attempting to learn more about the strange entity that possessed Erza's comrade.

"Of course, this one would love to speak to another after so long beyond the gate."

"Then answer me this. What exactly are you? I know exactly what magic the child you now inhabit originally used and therefore know that she could never produce wings of light like you did earlier nor create such a powerful force just on her own. So how can you, a disembodied spirit, wield magic she cannot?"

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