Solomon's Child Part 22

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When Lucy returned to consciousness it was not nearly as peaceful as her previous bouts of unconsciousness. There was no Dragon Lucy to mute her thoughts, no Happy to distract her with strange exclamations of love, and no Natsu to call her weird and to smile at her.

No, there was only an oppressive silence and the feeling of cold steel against her wrists.

Within seconds panic started to overwhelm the blonde slayers sleep addled mind, her mind fully believing that she was back in the clutches of the Heartfilia, that she had never truly escaped. Her breaths started to come in short ragged gasps. She tried to free her limbs, flailing about like a wounded animal, but she was so secured that she could barely twitch. The sound of metal screeching against metal the only noise in whatever dungeon she now found herself in.

But as her thought processes accelerated she realized where she was and what had happened to her, and the fear and panic was replaced by fury and a desire for blood. Lucy couldn't understand the sudden hatred that suddenly completely consumed her, but she didn't care, all she wanted to do was tear into whatever put her in chains.

How dare they...HOW DARE THEY?! I refuse to be bound like this! I will not bow to such creatures! I'll rip them apart and bathe in their blood! Their innocents will BURN for this! I'll...I'll...oh god what is wrong with me?

Lucy had stopped thrashing about to stare at the stone wall in shock and horror at her inadvertent thoughts. Was this really what she was like without the seal intact? Just a bloodthirsty dragon? And if that was true, if she was nothing more than a murder hungry beast, then how could she ever look anyone in Fairy Tail in the eye again? She couldn't even claim that it was just dragon slayer instincts; as Natsu, Wendy, even Gajeel didn't behave like that. Sure, the two boys could be violent at seemingly random intervals, but not what she just thought. I still need to suffer for what I did to you that day? Can I really never be free from this? Maybe...maybe it would be better for me to just disappear...

But Lucy's dark thoughts cut out when suddenly it felt almost like something was nuzzling her head, a manner of affection her adoptive mother preferred to use when Lucy did particularly well in her studies. The blonde mage's eyes instantly shot up, desperate to see what she had longed to see for so long, but whatever had created the feeling was gone. But in its place, the dark thoughts that had been weighing her down only seconds ago faded from her mind, leaving her feeling almost refreshed.

Ok...ok...I can't afford to think about this stuff anymore. I have to figure out how to get everyone out. Lucy eventually decided as she studied her current room, finding nothing noteworthy that she could use to escape with. The fact that they went through so much effort not only to capture Natsu and Wendy, but myself as well, would likely mean that they have something they need from us. Maybe extracting our magical energy? But if that was the case why bind us in magic seals? Can they extract ethernano even with the ethernano sealed?, it doesn't matter why, whatever reason they captured us for, the moment they give me an opening I'll take it, even if I have to beat them unconscious with my bare fists.

Her decision reached, Lucy simply stared out the bars of her cell with a look of tranquility on her face. One of the many bits of intelligence that was implanted into her during her time at the institute was the training to escape from capture. She would lure her captors into a false sense of security, allow them to move take her to an interrogator, and would then escape at the first opportunity. It was hardly the first time she had to escape from foes after all. At the very least they had left her with her bow and equipment, something she couldn't quite understand but was certain to take advantage of when the time came.

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