Solomon's Child Part 21

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"You know, for a world that seems to lack magical energy, this place is certainly has more than enough to go around." Lucy commented absentmindedly as their group walked down the paved street. Everywhere they looked there was some form of magical device or lacrima on display or active, the people that surrounded them chatting and smiling like they had no troubles at all.

"It's certainly surprising. From everything we've heard it sounded like they were under a dictatorship but it's almost like a festivals going on." Wendy agreed as she stared at all the strange lacrima devices that surrounded them.

"And we go into the city with no trouble at all." Natsu commented before apparently noticing something that drew his attention.

"They made this place into an amusement city to gain popularity among the citizens. No one happy will bother to question where the magic is coming from." Carla explained in a tone that was almost like she was spitting the words, Natsu nodding his head from atop a hovering child's toy.

"Not a bad strategy, but it does make our job harder." Lucy murmured as their group began to move past a massive plaza, Wendy turning to stare at the throng of people.

"There's some kind of commotion over there! Do you think it might have something to do with our friends?" The blue haired slayer called out, Natsu pulling up alongside her with a pale face.

"...Are they holding some sort of event then?" Lucy thought out loud as she too stopped, Natsu and Happy both running off in the direction of the crowd.

"We'll go check it out!"

"Aye Sir!"

"You two, we're not here for fun and games you know!" Carla immediately shouted back but was unable to stop them, the four women following after the two excited partners.

There are far too many people here for this to be just some kind of harmless fun...what's going on? Lucy thought grimly as she moved through the crowd, noticing how ecstatic everyone seemed to be.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Natsu continued to question as he pushed through the crowd before getting to the front and stopping suddenly, Lucy nearly walking into his back as he did so.

"Natsu...?" Lucy questioned as she stared around his shoulder to see what had surprised the slayer, only to stare into one of the biggest lacrimas she had ever seen, a lacrima that was guarded by a multitude of the kingdoms soldiers.

"A-A lacrima..." Wendy murmured in shock.

"...there's no doubt about it. I can feel practically taste the Earthland ethernano coming off of it...that's our friends." Lucy muttered darkly.

"Oh no...all our friends are in there." Happy added, Carla pointing to a corner of the massive crystal as he did so.

"Not only that, there are signs that a chuck has been removed." She explained while the crowd around them continued to cheer, some of the civilians even shedding tears of joy.

Lucy turned her attention back down to her pink haired partner, noticing that Natsu was now staring at the surrounding people with a mixture of shock and disgust. Buut before he could act on it a man stepped forward onto the podium that was in front of the Lacrima, throwing his arms to the sky, the crowd quieting down as he did so.

"...Children of Edolas, our sacred kingdom of Edolas, through the Anima, has secured ten years' worth of magic power!" The man shouted out, the cheers once again returning in force as he made his announcement.

"Produced my butt! They just stole it from us!" Happy shouted in rage, Carla tapping him on the shoulder as he did so.

"Calm yourself, Tomcat." The white cat chastised despite the anger in her own voice.

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