Solomon's Child Part 12

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Natsu couldn't help but think that however the pompous dude who coined the expression "that Crocus was not built in a day." knew the horrors of construction more than most people did as he placed another piece of timber on the pile that was even taller than him.

It had been a few days since everything involved with the Phantom war ended and even with Laki's help the still only had the rough outline of the new Faiy Tail guild hall. Of course that might have something to do with how big they were making the new one as opposed to the old but Natsu didn't really care about that, so long as his family was there it could be a hole in the ground and he would be happy.

But then again not all of his family was there. Despite not having anything to do but recover Lucy was still bedridden within Fairy Hills, the only change being that she could slightly move her legs now but grimaced every time she did so. Natsu, Erza, Gray, and Happy had been paying her daily visits along with meals prepared by Mira and while the blonde dragon slayer had smiled and greeted them each time Natsu could see that behind her happiness something was still bothering her. Sure, she did just admit to the entire guild that she had been raised as a magical assassin and that would ruin anyone's mood for awhile but Fairy Tail had still just accepted her just like they always do for people with dirty laundry in their pasts. So Natsu just couldn't figure out why exactly his partner had storm clouds hanging over her head, and that was something that frustrated him for reasons he couldn't quite explain.

But Natsu didn't have time to ponder his blonde teammate's apparent depression, as before he could think too much on it he was shoved from behind by a very smug looking Gray.

"Awww, what's wrong wittle Natsu? Is that all the planks you can carry with your wittle arms?" Gray mocked in a baby voice, instantly erasing any concerns Natsu had at the moment and replacing them with pure rage.

"You want to try that again Icicle Brains? Because I think you've been seeing things. I can carry ten times what you can!" Natsu challenged as he butted his head against Gray's, the Ice make mage not backing down in the slightest.

"You're on Flame brain."

However neither got the chance to make good on their challenges, as a second later they were both pounded into the ground with enough force to kill lesser men.

"Enough lollygagging you two! There's a lot of work to do and not enough time to do it so get back to work!" Erza shouted from her position above the two boys, both of who had been hit so hard that they had actually sunk into the earth by a few feet, only their heads still above the earth.

"Ow Erza! That really hurt!" the two mages wined as they extracted themselves out of the earth, rubbing their heads to alleviate the pain.

"Cool! Are we playing whack a mole?" Happy asked as he flew over, his eyes shining in excitement but was promptly ignored by the two.

The day continued on in much of the same way, the only strange thing being a random stream of water that soaked Natsu, Gray, and Happy and deposited a lunch in its place. But that changed however towards the end of the day when Loke approached looking absolutely exhausted.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to check on how Lucy's doing. Has she been well know, after everything that's happened?"

"She's exhausted but improving, it's been a hard week for her after all." Erza answered dutifly.

"You ok man? We haven't seen you since the war." Gray commented as he took in his friend's disheveled state.

"Ya, you are looking pretty pale." Happy added worriedly as he hovered alongside the ring mage.

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