Solomon's Child Part 24

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As Natsu paced back and forth in front of the infirmary, as he was no longer allowed inside due to the fact that his constant movement was distracting Wendy, he couldn't help but growl under his breath. It had been hours, Hours! Since Luce's robot chick had come crashing down just outside the guild and still the old man hadn't sent them to go track down Natsu's missing partner. Sure, he really didn't have a good way to track the blonde slayer, and going into a battle blind wasn't exactly a great idea, but still...he just couldn't stand this! Every second that they spent at the guild could be another second that Luce was getting hurt. And more than anything the fact that Luce was in danger was almost more than he could bear.

But at the same time Natsu couldn't help but feel confused over his anxiety. Bad stuff happened to his family all the time, it came with being a mage after all, but for some reason the thought of Luce being in pain was so much worse than anything the flame dragon slayer had felt before.

Damn it! Luce's in trouble and here we are waitin' for some kind to wake up...screw it, I'm gonna go help my partner! Natsu finally decided as he turned to the door. But before he could take a single step a massive fist flattened him into the floor.

"Natsu...for the last time; you are not leaving until we determine who exactly attacked Lucy. If you try to leave again I will have Gray freeze you to a pillar." Makarov threatened without looking up from the map on the bar, Gray looking up from the table he was at but otherwise not rising to the occasion of freezing his rival over.

"What the hell Gramps! Luce needs us and we're just sitting around here! There's no time for this!" Natsu screamed out from underneath the Wizard Saint's fist, the fire dragon slayer clenching his teeth in frustration.

"So where will you go then, fool? All we know is that Lucy took a job in a small town to the north. We do not know anything beyond the fact that the job request describes a beast of reasonable strength in the area. How will you find her when even with your dragon slayer senses won't be able to pick up on her after so long?"

"It doesn't matter! I'll find her no matter what!"

"And I don't doubt that you will. But if you go off and are captured as well then you will only be putting more of our family in danger." The old man mercilessly berated, Natsu clenching his teeth all the harder when he realized the Master was right. "Let Wendy work her magic, let Levy decipher how exactly to repair a Machias, and all of Fairy Tail will go to find our family member." The Master finished as he removed his hand and returned it to its normal size, Natsu remaining on the ground for a brief moment before Erza walked over and offered him a hand.

"We understand Natsu, Lucy is our teammate as well. If the child does not wake up soon then we will join you in searching for her...but for now we must wait." She commanded as Natsu took her hand, the crimson haired mage easily lifting Natsu back to his feet.

The silence that followed The Master's and Erza's declarations was almost oppressive, the various members there each dealing with their anxiety in their own ways as Natsu made his way over to the table that Levy had claimed for herself, a few towers of books surrounding her as she concentrated on the one before her. "Levy? Any luck with figuring out how to get Artemis back online?"

"...No." Levy sighed as she leaned back and rubbed her temples. "There's so little about Machias already, even with the stuff Lu left for me, and the only thing I've seen on repairing them is allowing them to absorb a heck of a lot of lighting magic."

Natsu perked up at that, a faint light of hope finally showing itself. "Then we can-."

"No we can't Natsu. We don't have nearly enough lighting magic to reactivate her." Levy interrupted before Natsu could even finish asking his question, a frustrated look on her face as she leaned forward. "Cana already tried to use her magic to create lighting for Artemis and she barely even twitched from four blasts of it, not to mention she didn't recover at all. Even if she uses all her magic I doubt it'll be enough to help...just goes to show how powerful her Elemental Lacrima are."

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