Solomon's Child Part 16

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"COOL, COOL, COOOOLLLLL! You two are absolutely COOOL!" The photographer in front of Lucy and Mira shouted out in between the rapid clicks of his camera. The two mages were currently posing with a massive fake beach behind them.

Lucy had been mildly surprised when Mira had asked her to come with her on a photo shoot, as apparently the editor behind Sorcerer Weekly had been requesting an interview and photography session.

And now the two women found themselves posing in bathing suits that most women would blush at seeing, but both Fairy Tail members were completely unaffected. Mira due to the many years she had spent modeling for this very photographer and Lucy because she simply didn't care in the slightest how much skin she was showing. Or at least she didn't care now, after everything that had happened at the tower of heaven.

"Alright ladies, that's a very cool wrap." Jason shouted with a wave up before turning away and speaking with some of the other photographers. Lucy and Mira moved off to the side, donning robes that had been put aside for them, before Lucy turned to Mira with a confused frown on her face.

"Mira? Do you mind if I ask you a question? Is that man some kind ice mage? For the entirety of this job he's been repeating "cool" over and over again but I couldn't feel any magic activation nor was it that chilly in here so..."

"Oh you don't need to mind him. That's just something he does." Mira replied with a light laugh before looking at Lucy with concern. "But are you ok? I was shocked when you agreed to come all things considered."

Lucy smiled for a brief second before placing a hand on her chest. "If you had asked me to come with you before the events at the Tower of Heaven I would have said no. but with everything that happened it looks like whoever brought me back gave me something more than just my left arm." She continued as she examined her near naked body.

It had been quite the shock to Lucy when the night after arriving back at the guild she noticed that not only did the so called Guardian repair her left arm, but had also erased every medical or combat scar she had received in the course of her life. Leaving her skin completely unblemished to the degree that Lucy couldn't even find a single sunspot on her body.

Although, perhaps that was the wrong way of looking at it. The Guardian did say that her body had been completely broken down when she tried to devour the ethernano so perhaps it really was an entirely new body. Something the Lucy wasn't exactly all that comfortable with.

Mira, having been told about the events and subsequent discoveries by Lucy herself, frowned as she placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "Have you noticed anything else that changed Lucy? Like maybe that thing changed something that it shouldn't?"

"Well...I think I feel more now." Lucy commented after pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts.

"...I'm sorry?"

"Well, back before I...died I could never feel too much emotion at one time. When Dragon Lucy detected my emotional state becoming too unbalanced it would either forcibly reign in my feelings or simply seize control over my body for a brief time." Lucy started to explain as they made their way back to the changing room.

"You mean like what happened during the Phantom War?" Mira clarified as she ushered Lucy into the changing room before beginning to change out of the skimpy swimsuits.

"Yes exactly. But after...uh, coming back to life everything feels like it's completely unfiltered. Like Dragon Lucy doesn't remember how to filter out my stronger emotions. I even found myself smiling for no particular reason yesterday...It's annoying." Lucy commented with a pout, Mira laughing even harder before placing a hand on the younger girls head and rubbing her scalp, a look of content passing over the Elemental mages face as she did so.

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