Chapter 24: For you Daddy!!

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"A daughter may outgrow your lap, but will never outgrow your heart"


Dimitri's P.O.V :

"Dadda... look... look", I smiled at Rose who is showing me her masterpiece work with crayons. Tina was busy with training and aunt Wilma and Bella is having kitchen duty, Roses babysitter bailed on us and that's how she ended up with me here at my office. Working while having Rose in the vicinity always proved to be disastrous every time I will end up calling Tina to take her back, this time she already warned me not to call for her as she already missed a week of training due to her monthly monster as she named it and she doesn't want to be dragged out of this one, so I tactfully sneaked a pack of crayon from the daycare so that Rose can paint while she is waiting for me to finish my work, and it is working very well too.

"'s beautiful baby.. did you draw it?", I asked her looking at what looked like a mess of all the colors in the paper, she even managed to put in some white in there, maybe she is into modern art.

"Yesss..", she said nodding her head vigorously, "for dadda," she said holding it out for me to take.

"You did it for me?", I asked her as I took the painting from her little arms, and I was surprised by the wetness that suddenly appeared in my eyes. "Thank you, sweetheart. Come let us put  it on daddy's desk." I told her pulling her to my lap, and I managed to find a cello tape and we taped it to the top of my desk, she was beaming at me happily all the time and clapped her hands when we are done with it. Then she slipped out of my lap and went back to her coloring book to creating yet another masterpiece.

Once after making sure she is using the colors only on her book, I went back to my work and things stayed peaceful for about an hour till we are interrupted by a loud knock on the door and my beta Philip walked in.

"Unkie pill", Rose squeal when she saw he godfather, running to him hugging his legs who laughed as he picked her up tickle her making her giggle and put her back on her feet.

"Alpha. Your mental wall was up, we couldn't reach you, your phone was off as well, we are trying to reach you for an hour now.", he said going all business-like once Rose got distracted by her painting. I glanced at my phone and found it switch off, might be Rose's doing when I had her on my lap I switch it on and put it on the table signaling Philip to take the seat in front of me.

"What happened? something serious?", I asked him, watching Rose who is now snooping around my office losing interest in her color book with the corner of my eyes.

"We might need your presence at the western border Alpha, there is something you need to see yourself.", he said trying to look stern without wavering his voice.

"Another murder?", I asked him trying not to lose my temper. He just nodded looking down, I could see he is trying not to burst, we are all tired and frustrated by this, our pack members are getting killed and we can't even stop it.

"That's it. The pack is on lockdown from this day. No one is supposed to wander around after 6 in the evening. Ladies and kids should not go out without males escorting them. Strengthen the patrol, recruit more if you want to, keep the fighters ready to strike anytime. And we will be having a pack meeting this evening. Now let's go the western borders. I want to see what those bastards did this time.",I said as I picked up Rose so that I can leave her with Aunt Wilma and Bella.

"Bassard!!",Rose exclaimed and clapped her hands and giggled.

"Out of all the words I said this the only one you picked up??" I asked her wondering why kids have a keen ear when it comes to things they are not supposed to hear, like every time she hits me and kicks me for, let me quote her "stop eating mamma!!", for kissing my wife. I could hear Phil trying hard to control it's laughter, trying to make it sound like a cough, I gave him a tough look and turned to my daughter to do some disaster management.

"No Rose. You did not hear that." I told her.

"Bassard... Bassard", she repeated louder, making some of the pack members in the corridor to look at us.

"It's Blizzard Rose, Blizzard", Phil told her trying to control his laughter.


"Yea Blizzard", I repeated after her, and she just continued to giggle. I looked at Phil thankfully, "Thanks, buddy, that was a close call."

"Anything for you friend", he said and walked ahead of me to the kitchen eager to meet his mate.

Stepping into the kitchen I am enveloped by the warm aroma of home cooked meal familiar to me from my childhood, I smiled at aunt Wilma who is standing near the stove stirring the content in a pot.

"Aunt Wilma. Crescent Bella.", I addressed the high ranked ladies in the group of females in the kitchen.

"Alpha.", the ladies replied bowing their head to me. I gave them a brief node and the rest of the ladies went back to their works.

"Can you ladies do me a favor and take care of Rose for a while. Something came up and I have to go out. I can't drag Tina out from her training session. ", I asked them politely looking apologetically when they frantically started to look at all the kitchen utensils and ingredients, having Rose in the kitchen ended up in disaster most of the times, "Don't worry she won't create a mess, she is into painting today, just give her a paper and a few crayons and she will be off to create her masterpiece works.", I tried to assure them while trying to stop her from eating the crayon in her hand, not feeling much assured myself.

"It's okay Alpha, we will keep an eye on her.",Bella said as she came forward and took Rose from my arms, who went happily to her.

"You better be good for aunt Bella and grandma Wilma, okay sweetie.",I said to Rose and kissed her forehead and walked out of the house through the backdoor with Philip following me, but I did not feel okay to leave Rose there, something is not feeling right there is a dreadful feeling building up deep inside me for which I don't even know the reason for.

As I reached the treelines to the wood I shifted to my midnight black wolf and relished the full control over to Tristan, who sped fast into the forest enjoying feel of the earth below his paws. I can hear Philip just behind us, together we ran to the western borders and I know whatever surprise is waiting for me there is not a pleasant one...


Short Chapter Alert :P :P

Sorry guys this is a really short chapter and I know nothing much is happening in there in this chapter. I just wanted to picture the father-daughter relationship between Alpha Dimitrius and Rosalyn, I have a feeling if I don't publish this chapter now my next update will take more time than either you or me would like.. so please be happy with this short chapter for now, I will follow it with another one without much delay.

Shhh!!!! keep your voice down.... am being sneaky here ;)

Currently, am sitting my office and updating this from my office system :P right under my boss's nose :P



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