Chapter 20: Silver Lining

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A family can develop only with a loving woman as its center.

-Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel


Demetri's P.O.V :

                Standing in front of my office's window watching my wife and daughter playing in the back yard brought old memories alive, I remember seeing dad in the same position with a smile in his lips watching me and mom playing in the garden when I was a child. Two months have passed since Tina joined my pack and my family, by now she has become the life of the pack. Everyone adored her, from kids to elders, and she is all over the place running around and helping people, even Rose starts interacting more with people, getting more friendly and playing with kids her age.

        She has become a good friend for me as well, unlike other self-centered girls I ever dated who talks only about themselves Tina is different. She is full of ideas for the betterment of our pack and the life of its members. She is someone who we can look up for pieces of advice, new ideas, and loopholes, every passing day she is proving herself as a real Luna again and again.

          We are not sure where we stand in our relationship as husband and wife but we have become good friends. Love I felt for Rose's mother, my real mate, was only due to the mate bond, I never got a chance to know love or rather she never let me, but for Tina it was different she was deeply in love with her mate I know her heart still belongs to him, she has become my wife, my daughter's mother and my pack's Luna but she is still his mate. We know we have to build this relation from the scratch and have been to a couple of dates being forced by our friends, but most of the time we talked about packs, its activities and mainly our daughter. It amazes me how close my daughter is to Tina, no one will ever think Tina is not Rose's birthmother. Rose is attached to Tina's hip all the time, and that girl has the talent to do all chores with a kid in her hand.

        A loud knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts, and in came my beta and best friend Philip.

"Alpha, the Alpha, and Beta of Blood Moon have arrived. We have escorted them to the guestrooms to fresh up before we start the meeting. Tina is a little busy with Rose, so Bella is attending to them. They will be ready to meet you in an hour."

"Okay. Bring them in once they are ready, please see to it that they are comfortable. I hope they will be ready to team up with us and Lunar Spirit to fight the Rogues.", I told him and turned away from the window after taking a final glance towards the girls playing in the backyard heading to my desk to arrange all the paper works for the meeting.


             We are half way through the meeting when the office door burst open and room is filled with the laughters of my wife and baby girl.

"Demetri, you got to hear this. I bet you don't want to miss this. Jace grab the camera.",Tina shouted to Jace as she made her way to me paying no attention to the strangers sitting in front of me, with her full attention on the giggling girl in her arms.

"Wha..", Jace started to question her confused.

"Just do what I say, you guys are going to love this.", Don't want to be told again Jace took out his mobile and switched to camera mode, and focused on the girls.

"Okay baby girl... do it again for momma... lets surprise dadda..", Tina said tickling Rose on her belly.

The sweet sound of Rose's laughter filled the room, "mama...mama..mama..", she started yelling.

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