Chapter 32:The Heat

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"...There is the heat of Love, the pulsing rush of Longing, the lover's whisper, irresistible—magic to make the sanest man go mad." 
― Homer, The Iliad


Dmitri's P.O.V :

"Will you please stop going in circles? You are making me dizzy.", Jace pretending to swoon and fall and laughing at his own joke

"You should stop pacing and go to her room?", Philip said while Bella snuggled close to him, his arms protectively laying across her pregnant belly.

"NO! I can't. I won't be able to control Tristan if we get any closer to her.", I said shaking my head.

"I am quite sure she will want to there with her.", Bella said with a sly smile on her face.

"Yeah! She might like it now, but what happens after her heat?? I don't want her to regret any decision taken on mere lust.",I paused a second before continuing, "I don't want her to regret us." Philip sighed and shook his head, the four of us are sitting at the front garden taking a breather, well I am taking a breather while others are just keeping me company, " Where is Rose anyway? Haven't seen her whole day.", Jace asked looking around expecting the toddler to run out of the bushes.

"She is with her mother, Tina insisted on having Rose with her ever since she woke up from that coma she always needs Rose's presence around her, she said River gets antsy when Rose is away.",feeling a little jealous that she asked for Rose but not me, "Oh my God! I can't believe I just got jealous of my daughter for spending time with Celestina, this heat is screwing up my mind. I really doubt if it is me or she who is going through this stupid thing", I growled out.

"It wouldn't be this bad if you don't try to resist your nature. Tristan already accepted River as his mate that is why you are feeling this pull on her heat, when are you going to accept her?" Philip said, ever since the first day of Tina's heat he is trying to persuade me into mark her and mate her.

"It is not because I don't accept her, I accept her, I love her, she and Rose meant the world to me... I just don't want to use her heat to take our relationship to next level, I don't want her decision to be mine in all aspect not to be forced by the lustful thoughts of the heat.", I yelled back at them, the group fell silent after my outburst everyone lost in their own thoughts, Philips hands absent-mindedly rubbing Bella's pregnant belly and she is dozing off on his shoulder. I sighed rubbing my face with hands before breaking the silence, "Bella is dozing off you should take her inside..", he nodded and picked her up, "When is her scan scheduled? "

"Next week. It was supposed to be this week but she wants Tina to be there with her on it so she asked the doc to schedule it after Luna's heat.", Philip said with a chuckle and kissing her forehead.

I turned my head to see Jace looking at the retreating figure of our friend with longing then shook his head before sighing deeply, "You should be thankful the moon goddess is giving you a second chance, a chance to love and live again.", he told me with grief in his voice.

"You will find her Jace, it is not time yet, have patience, my friend. The goddess who is kind enough to give me and Celestina a second chance surely won't make you suffer. Have faith in her.", I told him patting him back who shook his head and smiled back at me, as the Alpha and his friend I could see the hidden grief in him no matter how hard he tries to hide it in his joker facade. Five of us grew up together, Me, Philip, Jace, Ethan and Stephen, one by one all of us found our mates except for Jace, and this is affecting him really bad, even though he laughs and jokes, he yearns for his mate all the time.

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