Chapter 28 : Impact Of Angry Words

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"I didn't mean to fall for her, but I did. And in my fear of losing her, I did just that."
― Rachel Harris, The Fine Art of Pretending


Dimitri's P.O.V:

A soft hand on my shoulder startled me awake, my neck and my whole body ache from sitting on tiny hard hospital chair whole night, my tired sleepy eyes frantically searched for my wife after finding her sleeping figure on the bed a feeling of disappointment washed through me.

"You should go to your room and sleep son, a good night sleep on a bed will do good to you. I will stay with her meanwhile." my mother-in-law said from behind me.

"It's okay Alexandra, I want to be with her, unfortunately, this is only time I could be alone with her between Alpha duties and your family", I said giving her an assuring smile.

She sighed deeply before responding," Whatever my sons said please don't take it to heart, you are a good husband otherwise she wouldn't have come back to you. "

"Now I wish she hadn't come back, that way she wouldn't be in this condition then she would be healthy and be running around",I said feeling defeated,"Neither me or Rose will be able to stay away from her for a single day, we will be there the very next day begging for her forgiveness."

She didn't reply to me this time, but stayed silent and took a seat on the edge of her daughter's bed, she is a strong lady just like her daughter even though her suffering she is trying to comfort me, will it be like this if my mother was alive? Think I will never find out, hope my Rose will be luckier than me and get her momma back.

My thoughts went to that fateful day again, informing the Lunar Spirit pack about the attack and Celestina's current condition was not an easy task but something that cannot be avoided.

*****Flashback *****

Walking out of the hospital room with a screaming Rose, I know there will
be more screaming and yelling to deal with this day,
"Don't take her to the hospital wing until things get better, lie to her when she asks for momma, tell her she is busy.", I ordered to Bella while handing Rose over to her to calm down the child, and walked to my office to face the inevitable, to inform Lunar Spirit pack about the mishap.

Walking into the office I took my office phone to make my call, but after a second thought I put it down and took my personal mobile I need to deal with this as the family, not as an Alpha, then I dialed Alpha Christabel's personal number, upon the second ring he attended the call,

"Christabel Speaking."

"Christabel, this is Dimitrius."

"Hey!! I have contacted your Gamma yesterday evening, asking for Tina's whereabouts, she came to our territory yesterday but went back without visiting us, we were all got a bit worried."

"Yes... Ethan informed me. There is something unpleasant I need to inform you, there was an ambush on our northern border patrol team yesterday and Celestina somehow stumbled upon it, she managed to finish off the rogues but somehow ended up in a coma now, there is no fatal wound marks on her and no internal bleeding, she is simply not waking up."

"WHAT? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? WHY DIDN'T YOU INFORM US SOONER", Abel shouted through the phone, Tristan growled at the threat.

"Sorry we were all at the hospital waiting for an update on her, we were so devastated and remembered to inform you only when the doctor informed us that her wounds are not fatal.", I replied rather irritated.

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