Chapter 7: One Who Lived

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"You can exist without your soul, you know, as long as your brain and heart are still working. But you'll have no sense of self anymore, no memory, no . . . anything. There's no chance at all of recovery. You'll just - exist. As an empty shell. And your soul is gone forever . . . lost."
― J.K.Rowling, Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban


Celestina's P.O.V:

"How are you feeling today Tina?" Dr.Bryan asked as I took the seat in front of him, I am here for my weekly check-up.

"Physically! I am fine, doc. We established that a month ago." I replied to him.

He gave me a sad smile and continued, "That I know dear. And you know that was not what I was asking right."

I sighed and gave my answer, "It still feels the same; same emptiness. I am doing the mental exercises and yoga as you told me to do."

"How do you spend your free time?", he asked.

"Same way as I used to. Reading or gardening. "

"Tina, you are supposed to spend more time with people. "

"Bella always keeps me company, so does Tom when I am in the garden. Abel and Cal join me after dinner every night, so does mom n dad. Aunt Cathy and the girls forced me into shopping this week as well.", I grumbled.

"Good. At least they are putting in some effort even if you are so reluctant. " he sighed at my disinterest in mingling with people

"I am not a social butterfly doc. Even before the accident, I was like this only. If you all really want to help, then please leave me on my own. You people have no clue what I am going through. STOP TRYING TO HELP."I snapped at him.

"Symptoms of panic attacks??", he asked as nothing happened, changing the topic altogether.

"Nope. But still, have nightmares. "

"Hmmm. You can continue with the same medicine, the same dose. Keep up with your yoga and exercises. Tell me if you get any symptom of panic attacks." He said professionally.

"Ok doctor."

"You will get better dear. Please work with us on this Tina, whole pack loves you. They want you back dear. I don't think Mike want you to spend your life like this, sulking around in his memory. He wants you to have a better life." He said to me softly.

I nodded to him and got out of there. I know it was so difficult for him as well, they were cousins and were very close too, even through the pain of losing his cousin he was at my side all the time looking after me.

2 months before when I woke up to a shocked looking Abel I didn't know how much my life changed. Shortly after waking I had Dr.Bryan and team fussing over me with a lot of questions and test for an hour. After that, he told me that he is sedating me since I need more rest and promising me that my family will be there when I wake up next time.

I don't know how long I slept, I woke up to whispers in the room.


"We should tell her.", Cal said.

"She doesn't have to know now.", dad replied.

"She will find out sooner or later.", Cal is arguing with him.

"What if she can't accept it?" that is from my mom.

"Bryan said we need to tell her now, It will be better she knows from us rather than from some other means. She will be asking for him right away. ", Abel said.

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