Chapter 10 : Like a Clown at the Circus

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"I have many problems in my life. But my lips don't know that."

-They always smile.

Charlie Chaplin


4 years later...

David's P.O.V :

I walked around the outer perimeters of the training field watching my subordinates training the new trainees. All my trainers are the best fighters in the pack. They are strong, skilled and each can take at least two fully grown werewolves at a time. But my eyes are searching for a particular one, strongest, skilled and best among all my subordinates, a slim yet strong femme wolf who in the course of past four years I have grown fond of.

I always had a soft heart towards Celestina, my alpha and my best friend's daughter, she reminds me of Rhea, my own little girl whom we lost to a rogue at a very young age of five. Me and my family, my wife and my elder son,  never got over it, seeing Rhea struggling in the mouth of the rogue and the fear and pain in her innocent eyes when his teeth dug into her flesh still haunt us in every waking moment and in our sleep.

Tina was born exactly a year after Rhea's death, after what happened to my own daughter I always felt so protective of my Alpha's daughter, I pledged my life on her safety. She was always a sweet and kind girl, she has heard stories about Rhea and her death and she always managed to spend time with me and my family, it always amazed me the ease with which she interacted with my mate more like a daughter than like an Alpha. I know I have to thank her for keeping my family from falling apart, my wife went to a state of depression after our daughter's death and my son can hardly be any more different, it's Tina who saved us, she became a daughter to my wife and a sister to my son. But watching her crumble and giving in to the same fate she saved us from was the hardest thing to watch, and not knowing what to do or how to help is the worse kind of feeling.

Ever since Michael's death, I have been after the Alpha nagging him about letting Tina train. I knew she is depressed and cared less about her life and safety, but some knowledge in self-defense is never going to hurt her. And another fact about training is that it helps you to get over your grief, helps you to concentrate your sorrow and hurt to a single point to put all your pain together as your strength.

It was a relief when Tina took the decision to be a warrior herself and persuaded her father into agreeing with her. She became one of the best fighters within a year and topmost by next year, I can proudly say she is a few steps ahead of my own son who is now leading the warriors for the pack in my place. Tina is more interested in training young wolves rather than leading a fight or a war, she is doing a good job in it from past two years. Her wolf is naturally strong and her human is strong-willed and all the experience they have been into hardened both of them, it is a good quality for a fighter, but as a girl and as a daughter I prefer the old sweet Tina.

"Good Morning Uncle Dave", Tina's cheerful voice pulled me out of my thoughts. For the past four years, she exhibited a very cheerful personality but those who are close to her can see the underlying sadness in her eyes, it's a very cruel fate that the young couple suffered. Along with the decision to become a warrior she took the decision to hide her pain from others and be a happy cheerful girl to everyone.

"Good morning Tina", I wished her with a smile, "So excited about today's party? Your brothers are coming home with their mates right."

"I am so excited. I am going to meet my sisters-in-law for the first time, I and Bella have planned everything and that's one of the reasons I am here now. I won't be able to participate in today's evening training session, so could you please arrange someone to train my students?"

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