Chapter 21 : Birthday Gift

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"The best gifts come from the heart, not the store."
― Sarah Dessen, Lock and Key


Demetri's P.O.V :

I lie on my bed pretending to be asleep listening to the light movements in the room and occasional giggles from Rose, Tina is trying her best to hush her but how long a baby can stay silent. Suddenly the bed dipped a little and I felt small soft hands of my daughter on my cheeks followed by a sloppy kiss from her, I laughed and pulled her into my arms tickling her causing her to have a fit of laughter. I pulled her into my lap sitting up in the process and tried to assess the still dark room wondering what Tina is up to now.

Then I heard a soft click of a lighter as the center of the room is lit by candlelight and my wife's smiling face came into view.

"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to dear Dimitri
Happy birthday to you."

She sang as she came close to the bed with the cake signaling me to blow the candles and I did.

"Happy Birthday Alpha", she said with a sweet smile.
"Aa'py 'rthday dada", Rose recited as her mother taught her.
"Thank you sweetheart", I thanked her with a kiss and tickled her by rubbing my chin with light stubbles on her face. I cut the cake and fed a piece each to both my wife and my child.

"Rose has something to give u. Right Rosy?", Tina asked the giggling little girl placing the cake on the bedside table and standing up with Rose in her arms smiling sweetly and walked into the closet with the little girl. I heard a little shuffling before the both of them came into view again, now Little Rose has a rectangular package clutched in her arms which she is trying to eat, Tina is supporting it with her free hand.

"Give that to daddy sweetheart", she told the little one kissing her softly on the head, which she slowly and reluctantly complied to.

"Come on open it... You will like it", She urged me softly which I followed happily. It was a painting from the looks of it done by Rose, it has got baby handprints all over it in different colors, a smile made it's way to my lips even without knowing it.

"Daddy loves it, baby. Thank you so much.", I thanked the baby and kissed her forehead who smiled at me and yawned, soon she started to get fuzzy signaling us it's time for her to go back to bed.

"Can you hold her for a minute, Dimitri? I need to put the cake in the refrigerator.", Tina said trying to hand Rose over to me, but Rose just hang on to her neck without any intention to let go.

"It's okay. You put her back to bed, I will take the cake downstairs.", I told her as I picked up the cake and walked downstairs.

She hasn't given me any birthday gift yet, she mentioned the photo frame is from Rosy I wonder what she has in store for me. Whether she already have one for me or not I am determined to ask her a specific one which I have in my mind since a few weeks I was just waiting for the right time and I have it now. A smile crept into my lips as the thought crossed my mind, I just hope she will be ready for what I am going to ask her, or else I will wait till she ready but I know now is the time to let her know it.

The house was dark, nobody is aware of the little celebration we had in our bedroom I always wanted this rather than the big celebration pack organized. Don't get me wrong, the pack is my family and I enjoyed spending time with them, but I felt so special to have a special private celebration with my wife and kid, my family.

I saw Tina coming out of Rose's room closing the door softly behind her as I got the top stairs.

"She is asleep?", I asked her softly as I joined her to walk to our room, 'our room' even that simple words make my heart fill with a lot of happiness the youth who once dreamed about a large family and a beautiful life with his mate and kids is back in me.

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