Chapter 22: A Second Chance

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"A great marriage doesn't happen because of the love you had in the beginning, but how well you continue building love until the end."


Dimitri's P.O.V :

         My heart is beating fast in my chest I know she can hear it, I couldn't move I can feel a small pain developing in my chest, I can hear my wolf's whimpers in my head I felt sorry for him as well. I have expected this, I know there is a chance that she will walk away from us, that she will reject us but I couldn't accept it when it happened I couldn't understand why the goddess forsakes me like this.

        She is still going through the bedside table as if searching for something, I stayed at my spot waiting for her to say something or at least walk out of the room or get into bed to sleep. Suddenly she stopped searching and turned to face me with the brightest smile on her face and walked over to me, I am completely confused watching her cautiously. My heart melted when I Iooked into her eyes, there was a lot of emotions happiness a tint of sadness and there is something else different I think my emotions and lights are playing a trick on me, might be my lack of sleep I am seeing love in her eyes but I don't want to keep my hopes up so I stayed silent waiting for her to start talking. 

 "When I was 15 I went on a field trip with my class to a wolf village near the mountains we stayed there for a week, it's a very old village which has a lot of stories and legends running around, a place where people will sit around a campfire every night and listen to the stories the elders share with them. One night an old lady from the village told us a story, the story of a wolf who fell in love with the moon, about the forbidden love between the wolf and moon goddess. Every night when the moon comes up the wolf will go to the mountaintop where it's close to the sky and howls to the moon to come down to join him. Every night the goddess descends to earth to spend the night in her lover's arms, they shared the purest love that even the gods grew jealous. They said that love between a mortal and immortal is forbidden, they banned the goddess from descending to earth.", she stopped and looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

        I know she is thinking about Mike now about the fate that separated them, I took her arms and pulled her to sit on my lap she relaxed to me placing her face on the crook of my neck, I rubbed soothing circles on her arms and pressed my face on her shoulder urging her to continue her story.

        "But that did not stop the wolf, every night he kept going to the hill calling for his lover, he howls whole night calling for her, again and again, putting all his agony and pain in it." She sighed and snuggled close.

        "His health starts to disintegrate, but that did not stop him from going to the hill to call out for his love. It hurts the goddess to watch her lover going on a suicidal mission like that, she tried to cast a spell on him to make him forget her but his love for her is so strong that even the most powerful magic did not work on him, even her love for him was overwhelming her. She then split her soul,  created a she-wolf from one part of the soul, filled her with the whole love the goddess felt for her lover and send her to earth. Despite his resistance, he fell in love with the she-wolf the moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew she was a part of his lover's soul a part of that wanted to be with him his soul-mate."

        "He was the first wolf to find his mate, after that moon goddess took it upon herself to find the perfect match for every wolf, she created a mate for every wolf so that all the wolf will feel the bliss her lover felt, she cherished them and protected them for her all the wolves became her children."

                She finished her story and we stayed in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"At that time Michael was still alive, I truly felt the story as if it is my story. I decided to share this story with him only after we mated so that it will be a special moment for us, I also bought something for him to remember that moment.", she said hesitantly, then only I noticed that she held something in her hand.

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