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As the sudden stream of light shined through her window, Skylar groaned and rolled herself to lay of her stomach. The pillow that was previously below her head was now on top, shielding the blinding light.

Charlie walked away from the window, chuckling at his already snoring daughter. He attempted to wake Skylar by gently shaking her shoulder. "Skylar," he quietly sang out. "Happy birthday."

Mumbling something incoherent, the newly-turned young adult slapped away his hand and burrowed herself deeper into her bed.

"C'mon, Sky. I purposely saved you for last so you could sleep in. Besides, you'll be late for school today."

Letting out a sound that mimicked a dying whale, Skylar flipped herself around and brought herself up in a sitting position. She gave him a glare before looking outside, surprised to see sunshine instead of the usual rainy forecast. 

"Lil miss impatient got her present a week early." Charlie smirked at the look that came over his daughters face. "C'mon. Get up and go take your new car to school. I think Bella said that she was going over to the Cullens house after school, so you two will have to ride to school separately this morning."

Beaming up at her father, she nodded. "Thank you, dad. Really."

Looking suddenly out of place, Charlie bobbed his head once before motioning towards the door. "Well, uh, I'll leave you to it. Happy birthday again, Sky," he spoke softly, heading towards the stairs located right beside her door. "And don't fall back asleep either!"


Skylar, having arrived at school a couple minutes before her twin, was chatting with Jessica and her group when Bella pulled up in her old pickup. Getting out, the younger sister– by exactly twelve minutes – slowly walked towards the group.

"Today's the big day," Jessica stated, eyebrows quirked. Noticing the distressed look on her sister's face, Skylar snorted. Bella and her damn shyness. "The, uh, R and J essay is due."

Skylar's face snapped from amusement to distress in a split second. "That's today. Shiiiit."

Smirking at her, Mike turned to face Bella. "Wherefore art thou, Bella?"

Laughing along with them, the said girl glanced down at the ground before lifting up a camera, as both girls received one from their father. "Lemme take a picture of you guys. Our mom wants me to put together, like, a scrapbook full of memories."

"I fucking love pictures," Skylar exclaimed, hopping over to stand beside her friends. Snuggling her way into the middle of the group, she put of her biggest smile, pushing Mike a snap second before it was taken. "Oh, now you're gonna get it."

Squealing at his antics, Skylar looked up only to have the smile fade from her face. Her eyes followed the midsize car pull into the parking lot, identifying it as Edward's ride. She stared as he made his way out of the car and towards the group that was suddenly dispersing.

"Skylar." Edward nodded, giving her a slight smirk. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks," Skylar replied, looking away from his intense eye contact. Coughing at the apparent tension, she pointed towards the school. "Well, um. I better get to class. See y'all soon."

She had never particularly liked the Cullens. She had never really disliked the Cullens either. Skylar simply tolerated them beforehand, and even more now that Bella was dating one of them. The only real time she had met Edward was when Bella had landed in the hospital after falling down the stairs, and even then it wasn't on the best terms as Bella's outburst had occurred right before her accident.

Skylar sat at the dining room table, doing her biology homework when Bella stormed in. "Go away, Edward!" She ran inside, slamming the front door behind her.

"Bella?" Skylar asked, following her sister up the stairs. "Bella, what's going on?"

"Leave me alone!" She screamed, throwing herself in her room and locking the door behind her.

Skylar pounded on the door. "Bella, tell me what's happening! What did Edward do?" Bella shrieked out, "Don't mention him! I'm going home."

Charlie was right beside Skylar, face turning red. "Did he hurt you?"

"No!" Bella's muffled voice rang out, sounding out of breath. "Then what the hell happened?"

"I broke up with him!" She shouted back, unlocking the door and pushing past us with a bag in her arms.

Charlie was quick to follow, grabbing her elbow. "What happened? I though you liked him." Spinning her around, he questioningly looked in her eyes. Glancing over his shoulder at Skylar, Bella's glassy eyes turned back on her father. "I do like him – that's the problem. I can't do this anymore! I can't put down any more roots here! I don't want to end up trapped in this stupid, boring town like Mom! I'm not going to make the same dumb mistake she did. I hate it – I can't stay here another minute!"

Charlie's hand fell, his face mirroring how much Bella's words affected him – affected Skylar. She had never heard her sister mention anything about hating Forks.

"Bells," Skylar tried. "You can't just... leave. It's the middle of the night."

Not turning around, she marched towards the front door. "I'll sleep in the truck if I get tired."

"Just wait another week," Charlie pleaded. "Renee will be back by then." Bella stopped, shocked. "What?"

He continued, tripping over his words. "She called while you were out. Things aren't going so well in Florida, and if Phil doesn't get signed by the end of the week, they're going back to Arizona. The assistant coach of the Sidewinders said they might have a spot for another shortstop."

Shaking her head, Bella muttered, "I have a key." Skylar sniffed, looking at her twin. "Bella, please. Don't do this."

"Just let me go, guys." She spit out, "It didn't work out okay? I really, really hate Forks!"

Skylar stepped back. Bella just repeated what their Mom had said all those years ago. Dropping his hand, Charlie retreated.

Taking the chance, Bella gave them both one last glance then spun around, threw the door open and walked out.

It had taken her a few weeks to forgive both Edward and Bella, but eventually she did and the topic hadn't been brought up since. And while her father seemed to completely forgive both of them, it was taking Skylar a little longer to trust Edward again.

While she was uncomfortable around Edward, she soon shot up again as she saw an old friend in the parking lot. "Jacob!" Running up to him, Skylar wrapped her arms around his neck, squealing as he spun her around. "Where have you been?" Stepping back, she playfully punched his arm.

"Working out," he grinned down at her. "I came to wish you a happy birthday."

"Well, I appreciate it. Don't tell Bella that though."

Giving a full laugh, he nodded. "I, uh. I brought you something." Reaching in his back pocket, the younger boy pulled a dreamcatcher. Amazed, Skylar took the delicate object into the palm of her hand, admiring it. "I saw it and I thought of you and Bells. It's supposed to,like, catch the bad dreams."

"What the hell are you trying to say, Jake?" Laughing at the look that came over his face, Skylar gently pushed him. "I'm kidding. It's amazing... Thank you."

Jacob snorted. "Don't worry about it, Sky."

Skylar was about to reply when the warning bell rang, alarming her that she should be getting to class. "This... is great." With a final smile and hug, she began to walk towards the school. "I'll come by later tonight, yeah?"

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