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Skylar sat on her bed and tried to process everything that had went down the past couple of days. She couldn't stop thinking about the guy from the other day. Still don't know his name.

Plus, apparently Bella was lying to both her and Charlie about something – something big. It must have been since Jake reacted the way he did.

Oh yeah. And then there was Jake.

He did a complete turn-around, cutting all of his hair off and getting a tattoo. Sam must have finally gotten to him, it made sense. Jake went missing for a few weeks, Sam appeared at his house, and then he completely changes and starts hanging out with the rest of his cult. He never would have talked to the twins like that unless something big happened.

Deciding that she had to stop overthinking everything, Skylar lifted herself off of her bed and made her way to Bella's room. Knocking on the door and frowning when she didn't get a response, Skylar slowly cracked the door open. She pursed her lips when she didn't see Bella and pulled out her phone. Where are you?

Sliding her phone back into her pocket after she sent the text, Skylar went back over to her room and sat down beside her desk. Moving the mouse until her computer warmed up, she quickly clicked on the internet. Sighing deeply, Skylar slowly clicked on the search bar. She bit her lip as she typed in two words.

Running a hand through her hair, Skylar abruptly stood up. Was she really looking up bloodsuckers? Just because Jake had mentioned it? She went to turn off her computer but froze when she glanced at the screen.


She sluggishly lowered herself back on her chair and clicked on the first result. Scanning through the article, her breath quickened. Human blood? Immortality? Never sleeping? Skylar grimaced as she saw some of the pictures the website had listed.

Jumping up when she heard the front door slam shut, Skylar shut off her computer. She simply stared as she heard a knock on the door. It creaked open, revealing Bella.

"Hey, I just wanted to tell you that... are you okay?" Bella asked, her face contorting with worry. "Skylar?"

Skylar couldn't do anything but stare, her mind still racing through the words and images she just saw. It couldn't be real. She was just being crazy.

"Skylar, what's wrong?" Bella asked, shutting the door gently behind her and walking up to her twin.

"I'm being paranoid," Skylar laughed, shaking her head. "I mean, I have to be. There's no such thing, you know. There can't be."

"There can't be what?" Bella asked, still looking worried.

"Vampires. Jake mentioned bloodsuckers, and I looked it up," Skylar said, still shaking her head. "There's no such thing as vampires, right?"

Bella's eyes widened until Skylar thought they were going to pop out. Skylar stopped moving all together and continued. "Right, Bella? Tell me I'm right..."

When Bella still didn't answer, Skylar fell to her bed and began to hyperventilate. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. The Cullens, are they really? They really are vampires? A-And you knew?"

Bella dropped beside her sister, holding onto her shaking shoulders. "Shh, Skylar calm down-"

"Calm down?! You want me to calm down? I just found out that vampires are fucking real and you want me to be calm?" Skylar said, shocked. "What else do you know of? What other things are out there?"

Bella held onto her. "That's all I know, okay. I promise."

Skylar snorted, trying to breathe evenly. "How long?" Noticing Bella's look, she clenched her jaw. "Don't act like you don't know. How long have you known?"

Bella bit her lip before quietly mumbling, "A few weeks after I moved here."

She shot up, enraged. "And you didn't think to tell me?"

Bella stood up as well. "Would you have believed me? Honestly, I couldn't tell anyone. Not even you." Grabbing her twin's hand, Bella looked her right in the eye. "I wanted to. Believe me, I really wanted to. But it wasn't my secret to tell."

Looking at Bella for a few more moments, Skylar nodded her head. "You're not messing around, are you?" Bella just stared.

Taking a deep breath, Skylar continued. "Okay. I believe you, and I can understand you not telling me." Sitting back down on her bed, Skylar patted the spot beside her. "Tell me everything you know."


An hour later, Bella had explained everything to Skylar. How she first found out, James and Victoria, Edward leaving her. Everything.

It was a lot to take in, but Skylar listened, asking an occasional question here and there.

"There's one more thing," Bella said, looking down. Skylar crinkled her eyebrows, looking at her sister. "What?"

"Earlier today, I was in the meadow. Our meadow," Bella said, referring to her and Edward's special place. "I just wanted to visit it again... and I saw Laurent." Skylar motioned for her to continue. "He was going to kill me," Skylar, on the other hand, sprung up. "What?"

Bella followed her. "Stop, stop. He was going to kill me."

Skylar looked confused. "What stopped him?"

"These giant wolves came out of nowhere. I don't know what happened after that, I ran," Bella said.

"That's probably the most sensible thing you've done since you got here," Skylar joked. Laughing along with her, Bella nodded her head. "Yeah. You're probably right."

Both twins stood in silence for a few moments, lost in their own thoughts. Bella took a deep breath before jerking her head towards the door. "I'm going to go to bed, you know? Long day."

Skylar watched her walk out before stopping her. "Bella?" The said girl turned around, an eyebrow raised. "Are you okay now? Like without Edward?"

Bella dipped her head down, biting her lip and nodded. "I... I think so. Being with Jake, well. It helps."

"I just don't want you to ever be like that again," Skylar whispered. "It broke me to see you like that. I love you too much to see you go back to him again." When she didn't get a response, Skylar went up to Bella and tightly wrapped her arms around her. "Promise me."

Bella's eyebrows plunged down. "Skylar, he's gone and-"

"I don't care," Skylar interrupted. "I don't ever want to see you like that again with anybody. So promise me."

Bella took a sharp intake of air, swallowing audibly, and peered up at her taller twin. "I...I promise." Skylar stared at her for a moment longer and let go, playfully pushing her arm. "Okay. Love you."

Sniffling, Bella gave her a small smile. "Love you too." Walking out, she paused one last time and looked at Skylar over her shoulder. "I promise I'm okay, Sky. I'm getting better. I'm getting better with Jake."

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