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Skylar didn't get her wish the next day. Along with the day after that. And that.

The next few days were rough on Bella. For the first time she Bella had really met Edward, she was sitting at the lunch table with Skylar and all of her friends. While Skylar would occasionally glance up at her twin, Bella would glance over at the Cullen's lunch table, who just happened to not be at school.

When school ended, Skylar couldn't find Bella's truck in the parking lot. Again. Dammit Bella. Really not wanting to go home again, she called Jake.

After a couple rings, he answered. "Hello?"

"Jake," Skylar sighed, relieved. "Hey. Can I come over for a bit?"

"Of course you can. I'll be outside working on a car."

"Alright, I'll be over shortly." Hanging up the phone, Skylar looked where Bella's truck was parked again before getting in her own car, heading over to the La Push residence.

"I just hate it for her, you know? Her whole life is centered on this one guy," Skylar vents, still angry at Edward. "I don't ever want to be like that. My whole life for another person? No thanks."

Jacob just simply listened and nodded his heads at parts that seemed appropriate. Skylar was grateful though, she needed someone to talk to about this. She couldn't rant to Charlie about her dislike for Edward, although he felt the same way, and with Bella her lecture would go through one ear and out the other.

Hearing her phone ring, Skylar sighed and glanced down. Furrowing her eyebrows when she say Charlie calling, she picked it up. "Hello?"

"Sky. Bella's missing," Charlie's breathless voice rang out.

"What?!" Skylar shot up. "For how long?"

"After school. No one has seen her – I'm guessing you haven't either. Her truck is here, but she isn't," he said, sounding disappointed.

"No, she was gone the moment school ended. Hold on, I'm coming over," she said hurriedly, hanging up the phone.

"What happened," Jake asked, panicked. Skylar dragged him behind her, heading for her car. "Bella's missing. Grab Billy and follow me."

Getting in the car, she quickly turned it on and sped out of La Push, breaking the speed limit several times to reach her house. Slamming the door, she ran to the crowd that had gathered around her house. "Dad!"

Charlie spun around, looking relieved that one of his daughters were here. "Sky, thank god." He gave her a hug, then walked back over to the crowd. Reaching over the police car, he grabbed the phone. "I'm gonna try the Cullens' place again."

Billy shook his head. "The Cullens left town, Charlie."

Skylar wrapped her arms around her stomach, scanning the woods that surrounded their house. Seeing someone, she squinted her eyes. When she recognized Bella, she tapped her his arm repeatedly. "Dad!"

Charlie slowly turned around, eyed widening when he noticed a large man holding Bella to his chest. He ran towards them, Skylar right behind him.

"Bella," he said, clutching his daughter close. "Sam, thank you." Nodding at the man one last time he began to walk back to the house.

Skylar smiled up at the man – Sam, who gave her a grimace like smile back - and followed her dad's track. Giving Jake one last look, so headed inside to see how her sister was doing.

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