Chapter 5 ※ (Y/N)

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Chapter 5: I'm not going back

I climbed to the top of the tallest tree and scanned the area for any titans or prey that was going to be my further meal. Upon finding nothing, o with her. It has already been a day since I actually ate a decent meal. I'm too far away from wall Maria to travel back to stock up on my supplies and I am definitely in need of a shower. Jumping from branch to branch, I found a waterfall and stripped myself off of my clothing and dived into the water without a care in the world. Sighing in pleasure, I soaked myself in the crystal clear water before deciding to jump off from the edge of a cliff into the waterfall, landing with a big splash and ripples of water. By the time I was satisfied with myself, I climbed out of the water and put my clothes back on and slotted both of my katanas into their slashes. Not wanting to be attacked, I climbed into the nearest tree and took refuge up there, wrapping my cloak onto my self for warmth before letting he whistles in the wind cradle me to sleep. The last thing I saw was the star blanketed night sky before letting my exhaustion take hold of me.


The sound of nearby titans woke me up. Quickly, I scanned the area and found at least five titans running towards me and 10 more scattered across the forest, unbeknownst to the situation. Replaying my usual morning routine, I slashed all of their napes, jumping from one titan to the other in a zig-zag manner, taking all of them in a matter of seconds.

"They weren't here yesterday... so... what drew them here?" I asked myself as I cut down the napes of the titans like paper. After all, I have been doing this for two years now. Blood began to evaporate from my clothes and katanas as I gracefully landed on ground. The galloping of horses alarmed me. I climbed up the nearby tree into the leaves to hide myself from them. I'm never ever going back into the walls again.

Not after what Levi did to me.

Never again will I left my guard down and fall in love with the guy who broke my heart.

Not after I caught him with the pathetic person I call a friend.

I will NOT fall for his charms again.

Anyway, I've been doing extremely well without him. Free and in the wild. One thing that those cowards cannot give me.

So, I did the one thing that I was capable of.

I ran...

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