Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Hanji's getting desperate

A couple of days had passed with (Y/N) and Levi trying to ignore each other. Whenever they would see each other in the halls,  immediately\would they turn their backs to one another and hurriedly walk in the other direction.

This carried on for a while. Hanji, on the other hand, was racking her brains day and night, figuring out ways to get both of them back together. She admit, it was her fault the other time when she barged into their "love making" she likes to call. She was currently on her personal office, buried in loose papers scribbled with plans and drawings on how to get those two love birds back together again.

"Maybe I should go get a cup of coffee first..." Hanji dragged her hand down down her face and headed towards the kitchen.

"Hey" A voice suddenly called put from behind while she was pouring her coffee. The scalding brown liquid spilled all over the table. "Seriously Erwin! Great, now I've to get this all cleaned up before Levi gets here..."

"Geez, someone's in a bad mood."

"Sorry, just...argh...playing cupid's hard"

Erwin chuckled at her comment, not surprised that Hanji was still on her mission to get them to forgive each other. After all, she is the most  persistent person he had ever met.

"Why don't you just let time do its thing?" Erwin suggested

"Are you kidding? I'll be died by then, and no one will be able to continue my ship."

Hanji stomped out of the kitchen, slurping the cup of coffee with Erwin trying to stifle his laugh.


It was dark at night by the time (Y/N) entered headquarters, her shirt drenched with sweat from her daily run around the entire perimeters of it. Quietly closing the door, she made her way to her bedroom, careful not to step on any loose wood planks that would give her away with a loud creak. A breath of warm air brushed her neck. "Hey."

"AH!" The voice had her jump in surprise, her muscle reflex kicking in. She grabbed the person behind her by his arm and used her hind leg to pick the leg of her opponent, throwing him off balance. With her body weight well distributed, she threw the person forward to the floor. Kneeling down, securing him to the floor with her hand fisted and raised at head level, ready to strike at any moment.

"Levi?" She whispered, a gasp leaving her lips when she got a closer look. "Oh my god. I am so so sorry. I really didn't know it was you. I swear I wouldn't have done that of I had known. Oh my god. Shit. You're bleeding. Oh crap. Wait..."

"Just...shh" Levi placed his finger on her lips, while another hand rubbed his most likely bruised head. "What were you doing outside at this time of the night?"

"I was running. Why are you up anyways?"

"I couldn't sleep. I wanted to talk to you but you weren't in your bedroom."

"Oh. What did you want to talk about then."

"About us..."

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