Chapter 18: Don't take a peep.

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After attempting to help him and getting rejected the way I was, I stormed back into the car. Spiting him with all of my heart and so even after he was done and got back into the car, I looked anywhere else but to his direction.

He attempted starting the car but for some reason, it wouldn't start and I hated this day more than ever. He tried a few more times and to no avail. Once again, he went out under the rain to check the engine, tried a few things, attempted to start the car again and there was no different result.

In frustration, I heard him let out a loud sigh. I wasn't ready to say anything to him so I tried my best to ignore his presence. It would appear that he didn't seem to notice at all. It only infuriated me further.

I noticed he took hold of his phone. Perhaps, to call someone. In the manner which he left the phone back in its place, I would say that plan was a flop as well.

For more than a while, we both sat in awkward silence, neither saying a word to the other nor a stealing glimpse. I felt damp, uncomfortable but I didn't want to be the first to break our silence so I kept my mouth shut.

Suddenly, I sneezed. I was starting to feel cold and putting on damp clothes was in nowhere helping. I can do this. I can stay mad at him for as long as I want. My immune system just needs to cooperate.

I sneezed. Again, and again till I finally met his eyes. Suddenly, I sneezed once more, right on his face. I stared at him in surprise and immediately kept both my hands over my mouth.

Slowly, he opened his eyes once more and it was evident at how disgusted he was. I felt embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I apologised as I tried to wipe off every ounce of my saliva off his face but he wasn't one to go with the flow so he pushed my hands away. For a moment he just stared and all I did was put on a sincere expression of apology. Just when I thought he had something else to say, he turned away and stepped down from the car.

I watched him walk all the way to the back, open the trunk and shut it once more. He opened the backseat and slid a bag in. On closer look, I realised it was mine.

"Why..." I started once he got back in.

"Change." He ordered rather than opting. I blinked a few times, looked away and turned back to him.

"I'm sorry... change? As in, I should change my clothes?"


"In... here?"


"In... In your presence?"

He just stared as I anticipated his reply.

"Behind." He answered before turning away. His gaze forward. For a second, I just stared at him, wondering what was going on in his head. Is he... Is he trying to care?

Right away, I shook my head at that thought. It's quite obvious that's a no-go area for him.

"What are you still waiting for? Change." His order forced my thoughts back to reality. Our eyes met and he was first to look away.

Surrendering, I crawled my way to the back seat. Once I opened up my bag and saw dry clean clothes, I felt grateful. As I took hold of the bottom of my shirt, about to pull it off, I recalled I wasn't alone.

"Don't you dare take a peep, okay." I warned and he met my gaze through the centre mirror. Without saying a word, he looked away.

Though I felt uncomfortable doing this here, it couldn't compare to the discomfort these damp clothes made me.

Later on, we sat in silence once more. I looked his side at intervals and realised his clothes were as damp as mine.

Mentally, I shrugged. It's none of my business. He can live forever in them for all I care and so our silence lasted longer.

"Don't you fell discomfort?" Unable to hold it in any longer, I broke our silence. He barely glanced my side.

"You should change as well."

"I'm okay."

"Sooner or later, you'll fall ill."

"I said I'm okay." He stated firmer, his voice heightening a bit as he looked my side. Irritation laced in his words and that moment made me feel bitter about myself.

Why do I have to go through this? Why should I be looked down on by him?

In an annoying sigh, I looked away.

"Tell me the truth Blayze... what's your real reason for having made me your wife? You're not interested in company. You don't want help. You don't want to be nice and you don't want someone else to be nice to you. You just... you just want to exist. I don't understand why you married me. Why did you?"

I met his eyes once more as I awaited his reply. Anything... tell me anything that makes sense and I... I might believe it.

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