Chapter 57: Sweeter than jelly.

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I splashed water on my face and rose my head up to stare at my reflection in the mirror. I could see the panic in my eyes. I placed a hand on my chest and felt my heart racing so fast. One look at my hand and I could see how shaky they were. I gulped down hard as I walked away from the sink.

Is this really happening? Did he... I placed a hand on my lips. Did he really kiss me? I definitely heard him say the words 'I love you'.

I dug my fingers into my hair. Everything happened so fast. I'm so puzzled and now... My eyes shifted to my suitcase lying on the floor.

Do I actually have something to wear tonight?

Without wasting a second more, I crouched to the ground, unzipped the bag and began going through for anything to wear. As I went deeper, I fell into frustration. There was really nothing worth wearing tonight.

A sigh left my lips. How could I have imagined today would be the day? When I made the decision to come see him, I also kept it in mind that I might be rejected and I wasn't going to cry about it if that so happens but the opposite happened.

I rose up a white satin sleeveless nightwear and stared at it for a while. Well, this could work.

Suddenly, I was reminded of the five minutes I told Blayze to give me. Quickly, I got up to my feet, took off my clothes and rushed off to the shower.

Once more, I stood in front of the mirror now dressed in the nightie I'd picked out. I shuffled my hair with the towel, trying my best to dry it and stop it from dripping so much water. I was able to succeed as little as I could.

For a moment, I stared at my reflection and practiced a few smiles. I played with my hair, attempting any style that could make me look a little bit sexy. I tried a smoldering look, I laughed, I acted and in the end, I chuckled at my silliness.

Five minutes. I was reminded of the fact that I'd spent more time than I promised so quickly, I hurried off towards the door.

I took in a deep breath, put on my smile and pulled the door open. I stepped out, my eyes wandering all over for any sign of him but he was nowhere to be seen. I went further and found him on the sofa, as I drew closer, I noticed his eyes were shut.

No way. Has he... did he fall asleep?

I wondered as I stared down at him. Leaning down a bit, I waved a hand over his eyes and yet he made no move. I felt upset as I stood straight once more, folding my arms below my chest. I waited so long for him and yet, he couldn't wait for just a few minutes for me.

Giving up, I let my arms fall right back to my side as I turned away to leave. I'd barely taken two steps when I felt a grip on my hand and then a pull, I lost balance and fell right back. Looking up to my side, I met his eyes staring back into mine. Out of surprise, I stared back a little dumbfounded.

"You took longer than five minutes." He stated as he pushed a few strands of my wet hair away from my face.

My heart raced quite fast and even faster when I realized I was seated on top of his laps. I opened my mouth for words to flow out but I couldn't seem to get them to roll out.

"I... I'm sorry." Was all I could say. I watched as he lowered his eyes for a moment and soon, they were back up on me.

"It doesn't matter. You're here." He added as he expressed what would seem like a smile. I couldn't help but express a smile of my own.

As he stood to his feet whilst carrying me in his arms, I wrapped my arms around his neck even though I couldn't seem to stop my heart from threatening to jump out of my chest.

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