Chapter 35: Him, her and I.

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"No." I read his reply once more in disappointment before looking up, away from the phone.

I'd set aside my pride. I decided to reach out first and he was quick to reject. If only Mia didn't have to run an errand, we could have had lunch together.

Letting out a loud sigh, I decided to not overthink things. A part of me very well knew the possibility of him changing overnight was one in a million. Staring back down at my phone, I dialed a number and stuck the phone close to my ear.

"Hello sweetheart." Mum's angelic voice came through that it forced a simple smile on my face. I've missed her so much. Since the wedding, we seldom got to see each other.

"Hi mum. How have you been?"

"I'm fine but I worry a lot about you. How are you faring? Does he treat you well? You know I would do anything to save you, right?"

Nodding with a smile on my face, I replied. "Yes."

"I know that and yes again, I'm doing okay. You don't need to worry about me. Mum, do you perhaps have time to have lunch with me? You're not busy much, right?'

"No dear. Let's have lunch. Come home. Your dad's going to be home as well."

Wearing a simple smile on my face, I nodded in acceptance. I would love to visit home, eat once more with my family.

Once the call got disconnected, I simply let out a light huff of breath, somewhat relieved.

I sighted my car and began my walk towards it. Step by step, I drew to a stop, staring at the scene that played out in front of me.

My husband, who just stepped out of a café was immediately followed out by... her. The only person that called Blayze her friend.

I watched as she was quick to take hold of his arm, forcing him to take a swift look back at her. She spoke and he listened. Soon, he pulled her hand away from his arm.


I recalled his reply to my offer. Was he with her when he said no?

Something within me felt different and rather than walk away, I found myself walking towards them.

"Blayze." I called, my gaze fixated nowhere else but on them. They looked my side and my eyes met with Blayze's. For a while, there was an awkward tension that hung in the air.

Seemingly like a fool, I forced a smile on my face.

"You should have told me you were out with a friend. I wouldn't have felt upset about your reply." I started, wanting to play everything out cool but I knew I was an idiot.

What am I doing? Why am I even standing here, pretending to be okay with everything? Why am I not okay with everything? What exactly is everything?

Oh my goodness!

Why am I overthinking the situation?

"C-Caden, right?" She queried with a smile on her face as she stretched out a hand for a handshake. I was a bit hesitant but accepted the shake anyways with a fake smile.

"Leslie Banks." I repeated her name and a faint surprise look appeared on her face.

"You remember my name." She added in a cheer.

Yes. Surprisingly, I actually do.

A strange momentary silence followed amongst our midst. Looking up to Blayze's face, he looked anywhere else but at me.

"Blayze and I were just catching up. I made a request and he's yet to give me a reply." She added whilst she looked up to him, placing a hand on his arm. His eyes met with hers.

I felt a sudden surge of anger run through my body. Something was pissing me off and I wasn't sure about what it was.

"Blayze." I suddenly called out, forcing their attention back on me.

"Mum invited home for lunch. You seem less busy so perhaps, you wouldn't mind accompanying me? They would very much like it if you took out time from your busy schedule."

I know. My question seemed rather like a suggestion.

His expression was blank for a moment and deep down, I prayed he doesn't turn me down.


His answer was out but rather vivid for me. He actually said yes. A bit dumbfounded, I watched as he walked over to the other side of his car. Suddenly, he stopped.

"Aren't you getting in?" He questioned, staring directly at me.

Though surprised, I was quick to reply.

"I am." I hurried towards the car. Once in, I looked out and once my eyes met with Leslie's, she smiled and I did the same with her.

I looked away, feeling better than a few seconds ago. I wasted no time in buckling my seatbelt. Soon, we were on the road.

I couldn't help stealing glances at Blayze. I had a few questions for him but I didn't know if this was the right timing.

"I'll drop you off at the nearest bus stop. I'm sure you can find your way from there."

A bit puzzled, I stared at him. Oh, now I get it, I was his strange way out.

"You're not really going to my parent's home. I should have known better." I stated, a light chuckle eluding my lips at how quick I'd believed him.

I let out a sigh.

"Why did you lie? She's your friend but for some strange reason, I don't believe that. Is there... are you not telling me something?"

"I've told you, we're married but that doesn't mean we need to intervene in each other's personal life." His reply was quick and shut that in the spun of the moment, I felt angry and irritated at the same time.

Looking out the window, I wondered how long I'd have to put up with this. I was no fool. I could understand the fact that for me... everything was changing.

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