Chapter 45: A broken heart and a leg.

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Having been dragged into a room and the door shut after wards, I watched as Leslie made her attempt at whatever she wanted to say.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to be here?"

"Because I didn't have to. I'm not obliged to tell you my whereabouts."

"Caden. You brought her along to enchant Daniella?" She gave a light chuckle.

"You really should have asked me instead. We're very good friends and besides the company's benefit is mine as well." She continued, I made an endeavour to walk past her but she blocked my path.

"How long are you going to ignore me? I'm here. I came back for you Blayze."

"I'm married. I have a wife."

"Oh come on. I know for a fact that there is nothing between the both of you. You're just married on paper but I'm the one you love. I am your first love." She argued and I couldn't help the sigh that eluded my lips as I looked away for a second.

"Yes, you are but... it's not the same anymore. I don't believe it can ever be. So many years have passed already and we can never go back to the way things were."

"Maybe this will change your mind." In a split of a second, she leaned closer and locked her lips with mine much to my surprise.

The door opened and there she stood.

Immediately, I leaned away, pushing Leslie away in the process, my eyes still on her at the door.

"Caden." Her name rolled out like a murmured apology.

Suddenly, she walked away.

"Caden." I called, feeling the need to go after her. I felt a grasp on my arm.

"You don't have to go after her. Your relationship with her is not real."

"I'll tell you what's not real, the idea in your head that the past might be rekindled." Having said that, I pushed her hand off mine and made my way out of there.


My breathing grew deeper and louder by each moment I neared the exit out of the hall. Every single second reminded me of what I just saw toppled with the fact I'm here in the first place because of him. I feel so stupid.

I didn't want to cry and I was fighting really hard not to. I was upset. I felt trampled upon.

"Caden." Blayze's voice from behind only reminded me to hasten my steps. Too bad his strides were longer than mine so he caught up, taking hold my arm and forcing me to face him. I looked anywhere else but onto his disgusting face.

"What... what you saw. It's not what you think."

"Really? My thoughts of having seen your lips locked with another woman's is wrong?" I queried not quite worried about where we are or the tone of my voice.

"Let's talk at home." Having said that, he kept an arm around me and dragged me along regardless of how much I struggled to be free. I didn't want to be anywhere near him.

He opened the door and forced me in, buckling the seat belt on my behalf right away before heading to his seat.

For a while, the ride was silent but I was fuming mad within. My blood boiled and I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be around him right now. I was afraid of bursting into tears around him. I didn't want to look weak.

"Stop the car." I ordered out of the blue.

He ignored my words and that only got me more upset.

"Stop the damn car Blayze!" I raised my voice as I looked his side.

"Goddammit Caden! Can you quit acting like a child? We're heading straight home."

"Stop the car or I jump out." I threatened as I glared hard at him. He spared me a glance and it would seem he didn't take me seriously.

Without wasting a second more, I unbuckled my seat belt and took hold of the door to push open.

"Fine! I'll stop." He gave in as he eventually rode to the side. Immediately, I got off and began walking away as fast as my legs could carry me.

"Caden. Caden where are you going?" Blayze called from behind but I wasn't about to spare him a glance.

I felt a grip on my hand and forced to turn. It was Blayze.

"I told you, let's talk at home."

"I'm not going back there with you. I'm not going to stay with a man who doesn't respect me." I nagged and made a clear attempt at getting his hold off me.

"Respect? What the hell are you talking about? Why are you even so upset? You very well know there is no true relationship between you and I."

"Of course, there isn't you jerk! But did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe something changed."

Finally, I was free from his hold and stormed off again once more. For a while, I heard nothing from him as I kept going.

I could feel the tears threatening to roll down my cheeks and I wanted to go as far as possible from him.

"Caden, wait." His call was back and unable to take it anymore, I took off my shoes and took to my heels while holding onto my dress for fear of tripping on it. The tears began trickling down my cheeks. I recalled the fact that he was faster than I was. I really had to get away from him so without thinking straight, I ran onto the road in an attempt to cross the street.

There was a loud honking, I looked to my left and froze at the sight of a car fast approaching. The headlights, bright and hypnotising. I couldn't move and only believed it was all coming to an end.

Suddenly, I felt a strong pull and a swung around then a fall to the ground beneath us. For a second, there was a slight pain as endeavoured sitting up. Fully conscious, I was able to notice who my saviour was.

Blayze laid on the cold cement, eyes shut.

"Blayze." I made my first attempt at calling him but there was no reply from him so I sat up properly as I shook him.

"Blayze wake up, please wake up." I pleaded in panic. The thought of anything bad happening to him set me in derail and I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks.


"Quit yelling." His voice suddenly came through and I noticed he was gradually waking up then made an attempt at sitting up.

"You're alive!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms around his neck in satisfaction.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I almost got you killed." I sobbed as we remained that way for almost a while before gradually releasing him though unable to meet his eyes.

"T-that's fine... you're safe and... that's alright." He awkwardly added then tried to get back up on his feet and I was first to stand straight.

"Ah." He let out a sound in pain and that worried me. I watched as he made another attempt at getting on his feet but something kept putting that idea off.

"Are you okay?" I had to ask as I noticed his dilemma. He stared straight as his ankle. Without saying a word more, I reached down to it and pressed. Immediately, he flinched.

I looked back up to him and his eyes met mine. "Looks like you hurt your ankle."

A sigh on his part only set in a guilty feeling within me. Perhaps, I shouldn't have ran away the way I did.

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