Chapter 31: That memory with two legs.

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I flipped onto the next page and began reading through, barely paying a close attention to the man in front presenting.

Who says I'm acting? Right now, I sincerely care about you.

Her words popped right back into my mind drawing my attention away from what I was doing. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to think about her or anything she says but strangely, I couldn't help it.

The memory of her smiling once she saw me holding the sandwich was fresh once again in my head. In that moment, I regretted having done that. She talked so much that I'd wondered for a moment if she would really let me be if I just ate it as she opted but then, she saw me and probably felt I was easily won over.

"My apologies everyone for being late."

I raised my eyes to meet the strange woman making her way towards the table and eventually took her seat on an empty seat three row away from me. She looked my side, stressing a warm smile on her face.

My heart raced. Oddly, it felt very familiar. Her face, eyes and smile. My memory knew it all too well and apparently, so did my heart.

"Always with the cold expression."

Her sentence was all it took to jog my memories, memories I'd boxed and buried deep down. I couldn't stop my eyes from widening as surprise played out on my face.



"Close friends." I repeated nearly in a whisper as I couldn't stop thinking of what she had said. What exactly did she mean by that. There is no way someone like Blayze ever had friends. I mean, I'm his wife but I can barely tolerate his attitude.


Startled as I got from the loud call of my name, I turned to the owner of the voice to behold the exhausting look on my friend's face.

"Are you really going to seat there all day and worry about your husband's ex?"

"Ex? I told you, she said close friends. They were once close friends which means, they're no longer friends at all." I repeated, clear enough for her understanding but she just stood there and slowly, a light smirk could be seen at the corner of her face. She folded her arms right below her chest.

"Do you really like him that much?"

"Like?" I repeated, my voice heightening a bit. I watched her shake her head as her smirk turned to smile and then a light chuckle.

"Sorry, my mistake. You love your husband so much..."

"Stop it!" I exclaimed almost right away as I stood to my feet. She stared at me, a bit baffled.

Gosh, sometimes, I forget Mia knows nothing about the circumstances surrounding my marriage.

"Um..." I started in an attempt to rectify my earlier reaction.

"... It's not that I don't. I just... I'm just a little curious about this woman. I mean, he never mentioned her." I explained, hoping that was enough to win her over.

Her expression remained the same then suddenly, she bursted out into laughter.

"Caden, I've never seen you look this jealous before."


"You don't need to worry. Blayze is your husband and he'll always be yours." She added, gave me a light tap on the shoulder and walked away.

A light scoff left my lips as I watched her go.

"Jealous. Me?" Ridiculous. No matter how I think about it. It's just ridiculous. How can I be jealous when nothing about him seems attractive enough to me?

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