Chapter 30: Care and a piece from the past.

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Letting out a deep breath, I walked out of the elevator. My steps were steady and filled with a tinge of confidence. Suddenly, I stopped. I held up the polythene bag in my hand to take another look at it. Soon, I let my hand fall back to my side.

"I should do this. It's for his betterment." I assured myself though every voice in my head was screaming for me not to take this step but for some weird reason, I was doing so. Therefore, I continued towards his office.

"Mrs Norman." His assistant called at the sight of me. I showed her a simple smile as I stopped in front of her desk.

"Is Blayze in?" I had to ask and she replied with a nod.

"Yes. Do I let him know you're here?" Quickly, I shook my head at her request.

"No. See, It's a surprise." I lied although that's kind of what I'm doing at the moment. I'm just a little worried he might refuse to let me in if he knew I was here.

Drawing in a deep breath, I placed a few knocks on the door and only when I heard his voice on the other side did I gently turn the knob and push the door open. My first step in and our eyes met. He was first to look away.

I decided to push away every other thought and awkward feeling as I made my way up to him. For a while, I stood in front of his desk in silence, a little distraught about what to say first. He neither met my eyes nor took a single look at me.

Well, the earlier I get over with this, the earlier I leave.

I walked over to his side, leaving the polythene bag on his desk, I placed a hand on his forehead to feel his temperature. He was quick to slap my hand away.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked, finally looking up to me. Though his action upset me, I decided to let it go. After all, I need to soothe the guilt I've been feeling lately.

Letting out another deep breath, I met his eyes.

"I was just checking if you're doing alright."

"My health is none of your business." He replied coldly as he returned his gaze to his work at hand.

Fine, I expected this. I expected his cold attitude.

Ignoring his words, I opened the polythene bag and unpacked everything within onto his table. A sandwich, a drink and his medication. I noticed him take a quick look at them.

"You left quite early this morning so knowing you, I'm sure you haven't had anything to eat. The doctor wrote down a few drugs. Eat something and have them."

"Leave and take those with you. I don't need any of your pity." He was quick to state as he stood to his feet. Placing a hand on his chest, I pushed him back onto his seat. Having unexpected that, he stared at me with a bit of surprise expressed on his face.

"Pity!?" I repeated, trying my best to contain my anger.

"Fine. If that's the word you chose to believe then go ahead and do so but I should let you know that I'm not leaving until I see you take a bite of this sandwich. You need to be well for me to feel better." I explained as I took hold of the sandwich in my hands, wrapping it for him to eat up. I stretched out my hand to him.

He looked from me to it and back to me.

"You want to feel better? Why? Perhaps, you're not overthinking what happened the other day." He started before looking away.

"Nothing that happens to me concerns you. You don't need to act like a caring wife even when no one's around."

"Who says I'm acting. Right now, I sincerely care about you." I blurted out without thinking. Steadily, he looked up to me, his eyes meeting mine.

For a moment, they felt softer and warmer. Suddenly, he looked away.

"Doing that is a waste of your energy. Leave, I have work to do." He swiveled his chair back to its normal position, ignoring my presence.

Letting out a loud sigh, I gave up and wrapped up the sandwich, leaving it on his table.

"Fine. I'll go but don't forget to eat this and take your med. Get stronger so I don't have to care about you, alright." I told him before walking away, not looking back until I was out, shutting the door behind me.

Suddenly, I stopped. I forgot to ask what time he would be home. Blayze isn't yet aware that I've found a working space with Mia. I turned and made my way back, gently, I turned the knob and slightly pushed the door open. I pipped my head in first.

Just as I'm about to ask the question, I noticed the sandwich in his hand. His eyes met mine. There was a display of surprise followed by embarrassment on his face. It kind of made him look cute. I couldn't stop the steady and yet simple smile that drew across my face.

As if recollecting himself, he dropped the sandwich back on the table as his eyes left mine. My smile grew broader as I gently backed away, shutting the door afterwards.

For a moment, I stood there, the very scene displayed over again in my head. It only made my smile broaden a bit more.

What's wrong with you, Caden?

The sudden question forced the smile I had on to varnish. I shook my head to get back in control of my thoughts. I'm being way too excited for no good reason.

* * *

As I made my way towards the exit out of the building, my mobile phone rang and I got it out of my bag to answer.

"Hello Mia."

"Where are you? Aren't you coming in today as well?" Her questions came through rather quick and I could sense she was a bit upset about the other day. I promised to be there with her but never showed up. All I did was call. I wasn't even able to give her a proper reason as to why I had bailed out.

A lady walked past me and I noticed something drop.

"Wait, hold on Mia." I excused myself as I took the phone away from my ear and rushed back to pick whatever had fallen. On picking up the white handkerchief, I noticed an initial of LB written at the bottom left of it.

"Miss. Miss." I hurried after her and she stopped, turning to me.

"Here, you dropped this." I stated with the handkerchief stretched out to her. One quick look at it and her eyes widened, instantly recognizing what was hers. As she collected it, a beautiful smile drew on her face, revealing a light dimple on the left side of her cheek.

"Thank you. It would have been really upsetting if I'd lost it. It was a gift from my mother." She narrated and I nodded in accordance, a bit dazzled by her voice and clearness in her speech. Something about it seemed very classy.

"I'm glad you didn't." I replied with a cheerful smile on my part. Hers broadened and there was a momentary silence before she spoke up.

"Do you work here?"

I was quick to shake my head.

"No... perhaps, not really."

"Ah, I see it's complicated. Nevertheless, I'm indebted to you." She declared and stretched out a hand to me for a handshake.

"My name is Leslie Banks."

Though I hesitated a little, I ended up accepting her handshake.

"Caden Carter Norman." I stated and only after did I wonder why I had to add my husband's name.

"Norman?" She repeated with an expression of trying to understand something.

"Blayze Norman's wife?" She added almost right away. I couldn't help it as the slight surprise look played on my face.

"Yes. Do you know my husband?" I had to ask. There was hesitation on her part. Her expression and thoughts unreadable for more than a moment and suddenly, her charming smile was back.

"Yes. We were once close friends."

Close friends?

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