Chapter 21 - Winter Break Party

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Winter Break at the Beacon School started on Thursday, and they were cutting it close, Christmas was Friday. I was unfortunately, in school, hopefully not for long, my brain wasn't exactly working. So I hoped that school would go by quickly. Also, William was having a party tonight and I was very excited. I sat happily through Choir and Bio with William, and then we had lunch. I ate lunch with all of his friends still, let me tell you something, my boyfriend and I are very different people when it comes to school, he is quite extroverted. He has tons of friends who eat with us, and he can just go up and talk to whoever he wants to, I don't know how this works. I want to be able to do this. Anyway, we were sitting with his vast collection of friends as they discussed the party tonight. 

"So, it starts at 7:00?" Williams friend Matt asked.

"Yeah, my place at 7:00, unless you want to help me and my lady friend set up," he pulled my close by my waist, as I was sitting next to him, reading a book. "Then be there at 6:30." 

"Cool, cool. It's like, open invite right?"

"If it wasn't open invite, would I have posted it on every social media account I have?"

"You make a good point. You make a good point." All of the parties between this group of friends were thrown at Williams house, he lives kind of far away, so he does have an house, which is a blessing in New York. They are kind of scarce. 

"Why don't you ever talk?" Williams friend José asked, the question obviously directed at me.

"Um... I guess I just don't really have anything to say?" 

"Aw, come on, I'm sure you have something, you have the most interesting life out of all of us!"

"Do I though?" I asked, my life may be pretty cool, but I mean that doesn't make me cool. I'm still the awkward girl William had to take to the nurses office 3 months ago.

"Yes. You do. Major celebrities come into your house nightly, and then they take pictures with othe major celebrities, dude, Neil Patrick Harris was in your house on Saturday and that's not interesting? Come on!"

"Ok, well it's not really my house. I have a room at the Rodgers yes, but it's not like a house, and yes Neil Patrick Harris was there. I saw him, I was working at the time."

"It's where you live, and didn't the cast like, adopt you? Then it is the home of your family, therefore, your home."

"Yeah it's my home, but I wouldn't call it my house." Right as I said that, lunch ended and I walked to APUSH. The rest of the school day went very smoothly. I got home at about 4:10, and collapsed, I had no homework, no school, I could just be dead for 2 weeks. Yay. I had to be at Williams house in about 2 hours. I spent those 2 hours eating popcorn and watching TV. At 6:00 William knocked on my door to take me to his house, so I didn't have to take the subway, I hate taking the subway by myself. We arrived at his house by 6:15. 

"Alrighty! Food first! Where is the food?" I asked, I was here to help set up, and I also really wanted to know where his chips were. I like food. I ended up pulling them out of the pantry and pouring them into bowls, William did the rest of the set up. Some of his friends showed up to set up as well, so they were enjoying themselves. As was I. I stole a bag of chips for myself and I was hiding in the pantry eating all of them. Muahahaha.

People started showing up far too soon. And I was forced to come out of the pantry. I don't understand why so many people showed up, they can't possibly all know William personally. Holy crap there's a ton of people here. I had to shove my way through the crowd to find my boyfriend.

"Hey!" I yelled, "how many people do you think are here?!" The music was blaring, I don't really know if he heard me. 

"I have no idea!! This is awesome!" 

"It's weird! There's tons of people here!"

"Yeah!! Go make friends babe!!" I snaked my way back through the crowd until I made it to the safety of the kitchen, I grabbed a drink and hoisted myself up so I was sitting on the counter. Thankfully, the kitchen was mostly empty other than one or two people. A guy with long-ish brown hair came in and walked up to where I was sitting.

"Hi, is there any reason you're standing right here?" I asked, as he had been standing there for about 10 seconds.

"Yeah, you're sitting infront of the chip bowl." He said point in behind me.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I said jumping down and stepping to the side.

"So, what's your name cutie?" I blushed at the name.

"Abigail, what's yours?" I asked.

"Jayden." He replied.

"So how do you know William, you don't go to our school."

"Oh, I have no idea who that is, I'm here with my cousin, I'm pretty sure he goes to your school, how do you know, is it, William?"

"Williams my boyfriend."

"Oh, cool, he knows how to throw a sick party!"

"Yeah, he sure does."

"Do you want to go and enjoy the party, or are you going to stand around in the kitchen the whole night?"

"I guess I'll go enjoy the party. But I will be back for my chips!"

"I'm sure you will, now come on!" He grabbed my arm and pulled my out of the kitchen, his grip on my arm was a little tight, but I let it slide. He pulled me into the middle of the room and he started dancing. "Come on! Dance with me!" He yelled through the music.

"I can't dance! I suck!" I yelled back.

"Come on! I'll show you!!" He grabbed my hips and started to move them to the beat of the music. I tried to step away from his hold on my hips, but instead backed into someone, then the guys I bumped into accidentally elbowed my back forward. I fell onto Jayden, who caught me. "Hey! Be careful there princess!" He told me and he swayed my hips to the beat again.

"Can you let go of my hips? I think I can handle the dancing thing now!"

"No, I like your hips." His grip tightened and I started to freak out, the Nick situation rushed back and I didn't know what to do, before I knew it l, he leaned in and tried to kiss me, I moved my head back and tried to push him off of me. I moved him a little but not a lot.

"Dude stop!" I yelled, "this is actually my boyfriends party! Stop!" He didn't stop he leaned in a second time in an attempt to kiss me, but was shoved off of my before he could. 

"Hey! She said stop, so cut it out!" It was William.

"Oh did she? I didn't hear." People had noticed what was going on and had moved away, but were still watching.

"I think you did hear her!" William retorted shoving Jayden.

"I think it's none of your business!" Jayden responded shoving William back harder.

"Actually it is my business, she's my girlfriend!" 

"Oh, so you're William? Well if she was your girlfriend, could I do this?" Me grabbed my face and kissed me. I didn't kiss back and I tried to shove him off, but before I could William pushed him over so he was lying on his back. William kicked him in the side, hard. 

"Don't kiss my girlfriend!" William yelled, "leave! Get out of my house! Get out!" He pointed towards the door, and Jayden pulled himself up and walked outside, but not before yelling,

"Good for you dude! Your girls a great kisser!" Shortly after Jayden left, the party ended and everybody went home. 

"Thanks." I said softly after everyone had left.

"It's my job. To protect you from all harm." He responded hugging me. At 9:30, I left for home, my driver drove me back and I walked quietly upstairs, as the show was going on. I crawled into my bed and fell fast asleep.

¡Hola mi amigos! ¿Que tú piensas? ¿Bueno, o no bueno? Los siento es muy largo, yo me gusta tiene mucho cosas en la libro. Los siento, mi español es muy malo.

Thanks for reading! (Gracias por leyiendo)


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