Chapter 141 - PTSD flashback

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I was sitting in choir, waiting for class to start and scrolling through Twitter happily.

@ManualDeMiranda - @Lin_Manuel quick question, why do you feel the need to carry @AbigailLeighMiranda? (Not that you should stop) it's just, she's a teen.

I laughed a little, I think this was the same account that posted the picture from the apartment yesterday.

@Lin_Manuel - @ManualDeMiranda, well, I missed my time to carry her when she was a baby, so.... Ella es mi niñita. Siempre.

My heart warmed seeing that, for so many reasons. My teacher walked into class and I quickly shoved my phone back into my pant pocket, as she hated phones. We were about halfway through class when she announced our end of the year concert.

"So, as all of you know, school gets out on May 26th. So, that Tuesday evening, May 24th, we will have our end of year concert, we'll do all of the classical music we have been working on, and we will do two musical theater pieces." She smiled, she hated pop music so, musical theater was our fun music compromise. "It's up to you all to pick the songs." She announced, "I'll be in my office, when you decide on the songs, come and tell me." With that she left the room, wow, our teachers were done.

"We should do something from Hamilton!" A girl in my class named Carla suggested, and I started to freak out a bit.

"Uh, can we not?" I asked, tentatively.

"Why not... Oh, your dad." She said realizing.

"Yeah well not everything is about you and your famous father." A blonde girl names Sabyn said.

"No, it's fine." I tried to get her off my back, "we can do something from Hamilton." I relented slinking back into my seat.

"Okay." Carla said, "we could do Who Lives Who Dies?" She suggested, "or maybe Wait For It?"

"How about In The Heights?" I asked, slipping back into conversation.

"Well, your dad wrote that too." Carla added, although I was aware of that.

"I know, just, we could do Carnival Del Barrio, or like 96,000." I shrugged.

"Or maybe we could steer away from Lin-Manuel Miranda." Sabyn rolled her eyes, "there are other musicals."

"Okay," I started, "how about, um, Children Will Listen from Into The Woods?" I suggested, "and no Sabyn, Lin didn't write Into The Woods. Sondheim did."

"What about like, uh, Finding Neverland? We could do Stronger." A boy named José asked.

"What about A Chorus Line?" I asked, "we could do a fun upbeat song from Rent or Finding Neverland, and then do What I Did For Love." I suggested, mainly because I loved that song.

"I like that." Carla said, backing me up.

"Yeah." A second kid said, and I sighed, they agreed with me.


"So, how was school Mija?" Lin asked, as he was driving home.

"Fine, we're planning our end of the year concert in choir."

"Oh! Really?" He seemed excited, "oh peanut when is it?" He asked.

"Uh, May 24th." I said.

"Fantastic. I'll clear my calendar."

"Oh. You don't have to do that, I mean, if you have other plans, I don't have a solo or anything." I shrugged.

"I don't care. It's the first school event I get to attend for my child, oh gosh I'm so excited, it'll be great, you'll do great." He was practically giddy. "Do you mind if we listen to some music?" He asked.

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