Chapter 160 - Hometown

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Our plane landed at PDX at about 10:00 the next day.

"So, the days all up to you Mijita." Lin said, as we walked out of the airport, "why aren't there cabs?" He asked, "shouldn't they be at the airport?"

"Oregon doesn't really, cabs aren't as plentiful." I said.

"Subway? Bus?" He asked, confused.

"Uber." I explained.

"Okay, I'll get it, one second." He pulled his phone out, and got the two of us an Uber. "We're going to downtown Portland." He announced, "when we get there, what's the plan?" He asked me.

"I don't know, there's a bookstore?" I suggested.

"Nerd." Lin coughed.

"No! Actually, it's the worlds biggest new and used bookstore." I explained, "I love it."

"Okay." He dragged the word out, "any other plans?" He asked.

"I don't know, when we get to Southshore, um, there's a little Chinese place, a park near where I grew up." I sighed thinking about it.

"That sounds nice."

"Voodoo donuts! Food carts! Frozen yogurt!" I was so excited about it.

"You're so cute." He said, and kissed my temple.

Soon enough, our Uber showed up, and drove us to a rental car place, as neither of us felt like driving around with other people for the day.

"Okay, just take a left up here." I pointed down the street, taking directions from my phone, and he pulled into a parking garage.

"I hate Portland." He muttered, going up a couple floors to find a spot.

Once he found a parking spot, we went inside the bookstore, which was called Powells, I was looking at the shelf of recommended books, when Lin tapped my shoulder.

"Abigail, this is a book about cooking with Marijuana." I turned around and laughed. "There's a whole display table about bikes and weed." He pointed behind him. "I want to get it for V as a birthday gift." He sighed, looking at the cook book.

"I don't think she'd like that." I said, laughing.

"Good point. How about," he went back to the table and grabbed a second book, "Weed; The Users Guide. A 21st Century Handbook For Enjoying Marijuana" He read the title off and I broke down.

"How about this." I picked up the Hamiltome from the shelf and handed it to him. "It's number 22 in bestsellers."

"Ah, so the potheads like my musical." He said, and I giggled.

"Hey!" A guy in a big coat, with a beanie and a scruffy beard yelled from behind Lin, "It's legal now. Don't knock it till you've tried it. How 'bout trying some? Sweetheart? You down for it?" He asked, and Lin grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from that section.

"Okay. That was creepy." He said, "seriously, did he just offer you drugs?"

"Yep." I nodded.

"I hate Portland." He added, I was holding his hand, and pulling him over to the sheet music section of the store, it was across the store, but on the same floor, so, not that bad.

"Here ya go." I said, stepping back, letting go of his hand.

"The complete works of Cole Porter." He said, pulling a book off of the shelf. "Jackpot." He started pulling books off of the shelf, until he had a basket full of piano and vocal sheet music books. "Where to next my small peanut child?" He asked.

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