Chapter 175 - Periscope

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Lins POV

I woke up to hear legitimate screaming coming from my daughter's room. Like, actual screaming. I shot out of bed, and rushed into her room as the screams deteriorated to light whimpers. She was curled in a tight ball in bed, tears rushing down her cheeks. I didn't take the time to gently wake her up. I reached over into her bed, and lifted her out, holding her.

"Peanut?" I asked, walking into the living room, "um, Peanut, wake up darling." I said, setting her down on the couch. I saw her eyes open and she frantically looked around, still scared.

"Lin? What, where, um...." She trailed off. It stung a little to hear her use my first name, but I tried to brush it aside. "I was screaming wasn't I?" She asked, and I nodded, "Lin, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I gently kissed the top of her head, then climbed onto the couch next to her. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, pulling her shaking body near me.

"No." She whispered, wrapping her arms around herself, self consciously.

"Are you sure Mija?" I asked, and she nodded her head, letting it fall into the crook of my neck, "okay, I'll make tea, then we can go back to bed.

"I don't want to go back to bed." She whimpered, softly.

"Okay, you don't have to." I said, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Thanks." She whispered.

"I'm still going to make tea though." I added, I moved her to lean against the arm of the couch, then went into the kitchen. I quickly made two mugs of peppermint tea, then returned to the couch.

"Thank you." She whispered, holding her mug with both hands.

"You are very welcome sweetheart." I gave her a reassuring smile while reaching for the remote.

"Are we watching something?" She asked, her voice light.

"Mmhm, to get your mind off of things." I explained pulling The Office up on Netflix. "Come here little one." I wrapped my arms around her shaking body, pulling her legs over mine, and felt her head fall against the front of my shoulder.


I was sitting in my dressing room later that day, on Twitter, when I discovered Periscope. I got excited, then decided to use it, well, after lunch.

I have Caesar salad for you.

Come child I have food for you.

I am your father. Let me feed you.

Sweetheart where are you? I know where you're not. You're not eating the salad. Come eat the salad with your father.

"Dad?" I heard the door open and spun around to see Abigail walk in, looking at her phone, "I'm here now." She yawned, plopping down on the couch.

"You okay?" I asked, handing her a boxed salad.

"I'm tired." She admitted, taking a bite.

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