Chapter 23- Harry

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Chapter 23- Harry

I'd like to say that I'm on the mend, that I'm much better than last week but I can't. That wouldn't be true. I'm just as terrible as I was. 2 weeks of holiday, the first week in my room all day doing nothing at all and now this week, the week I'm just not bothered and in the mood for.

Me and Louis sorted ourselves out, he said sorry for his outburst and we're fine now. I'm worried about him and he's worried about me. You see, we both can see what we're feeling inside. We both hide what we don't want to say out loud or feel out side. He can see I'm upset with myself and I can see he's upset with himself. I'm upset about Daisy, he's upset about Eleanor. Simples.

Louis is doing great though. He's still smiling, joking around, acting like it never happened. Me on the other hand, I'm just a sleepy, troubled sack of bones with bags under my eyes. I don't know how he does it, how he hides it from everyone. I haven't even seen him cry about it yet, it worries me a lot to be honest.

"Harry get up. You've gotta stop doing this." Louis came running into the living room. I must of fell asleep whilst watching crap daytime TV. "Get over yourself." He picked up the remote and switched the screen off. "C'mon. It's lunchtime."

I groaned, groaned some more and then finally removed myself from the sofa. I looked like a rubbish tip. My clothes were crumpled, my hoodie was barely on my body anymore and my face....well....there were no words for how bad my face looked. I walked into the kitchen/ dining room of my house, where Louis had laid out Mc Donald's for us both. I'm glad he was staying at mine, if he wasn't then I'd probably sleep all day and not eat anything at all.

"'Got you the usual." I sat down, opposite him. "Big mac, large fries, and I didn't get you the coke 'cus you had loads in the fridge, already." Louis must of been really concerned. He tried so hard to get me back together, alright again but he knew he would have to do better than this or else I'd stay the same wreck I was.

"Thanks." I said, starting to eat what was in front of me. I really wasn't hungry, I felt sick. Sick at myself. I didn't want to eat but I would of felt really bad if I didn't take at least one bite out of something.

"You alright?" He asked, wiping some sauce from his lips. 

"Whatcha think?" My eyes drooped down at him whilst taking a sip from my Coca Cola.

"Harry, you've really got to stop being like this. There really isn't a point." 

"Just because you've gotten over Eleanor so fast, doesn't mean I have to do the same about Daisy." I snapped.

"You weren't going out with her, though. Seems a little stupid." He rolled his eyes back at me, biting at his chips carelessly.

"This is mainly about being upset with myself, actually. Not about not getting Daisy." 

"But why act like this about yourself when you didn't do anything wrong? She did! Harry. Daisy was the problem of "you guys"." He quoted you guys with two pairs of fingers in the air.

"You may be one of my best friends but sometimes you just don't get it." I gritted my teeth.

"No, Harry. You don't get it, I do though." I felt the urge to leave, selfishly. 

"We've been through this already..." My anger was getting the best of me. My fists clenched up tight, like a paper ball. 

"We've been through this too many times and you still don't know what is actually right and what is actually wrong." 

"I know what's right and what's wrong for myself." Daggers were pouring out of my eyes at Louis, then. I was so frustrated at him.

"You obviously don't." My table legs screeched against the floor as I left the table. I had, had enough with him and his fucking words. No-one gets it. No-one ever will actually get me. "Where you going!?"

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