Chapter 44- Daisy

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Chapter 44- Daisy

Urgh bloody birds. Why do the nicest of creatures in this world have to be the ones who don't give a shit about waking people up? Why did no-one breed them so that they can only sing after everyone is awake?

It was such a beautiful morning, so I could understand why the birds would be up. When I finally gave up on going back to sleep, I jumped out of the really comfy bed and went straight to the large window next to me. My hands rapidly stroked the blue curtains back to reveal the water down by the pier glistening from the morning sun. Harry said we were in Cornwall, a place I've always wanted to visit, so that was nice. 

I kind of only wanted to visit Cornwall for the pasties and the ice cream but when I got to Sennen Cove I realised that it was a gorgeous setting. The sunset I saw yesterday, when I got out from the car was mind blowing. The colours coming all from one sky and the way you could hear the slight rush of the tide from the sea made it such a lovely scene. He's taken me to such a stunning place and I'm so grateful for it. 

Sleepily, I slipped on some socks and piled on the grey hoodie I wore yesterday, before jogging down the stairs. As soon as I had reached the bottom of the steps, my nostrils flared open and the welcoming smells of cooking melted my senses. It smelt like heaven down there, honestly.

"Good morning." I smiled. Harry had his back to me as I entered the kitchen, flipping round sausages in a large frying pan. I love the smell of cooking meat. I really do, and the sizzling sound of fat makes it even better.

"'Morning." He turned his body round, leaning behind on the counter island. I was surprised to see him fresh and completely dressed, ready for the day, making my mind decide on whether to be insecure of my pajamas or not. He's seen me in pajamas before. Just, they weren't mine...they were his. "Hungry?" 

"Starving and that smells amazing." I breathed in the flavour dramatically. Harry grinned at me before placing a ready-made tea in front of my hands. Honestly, I swear that boy makes my teas perfectly. I always, always, always have to check the colour and every time he gets it just right, the spotless golden brown shade making my lips turn at the sides each time.

"So are you up for doing a walk of some sort today?" He asked, piling scrambled eggs on to our plates. My mouth was dribbling from sight of the fluffy mixture. 

"Yeah, that'd be really nice. It's a good day for one as well." I smiled with my eyes still on the food. Normally I don't like exercise but when British people mention a "country walk" it always means it'll be a certain amount of miles until you end the walk with a nice pub lunch. It's the only exercise I love, really- not including dance, of course. Also, on most walks you see some really nice views and such, and by judging what I've seen of Cornwall so far I'm pretty sure there'll be plenty more to admire.

Harry soon gave to me a full plate of food, of all different colours. The perfect English breakfast fry up in front of me, ready to be eaten. Grilled tomatoes, eggs, toast, sausages, bacon and baked beans attracting my taste buds and eyes before I dug in. I may of looked like a pig and my mind may of told me to slow down but my stomach was grumbling for more and more until I ate it all up. 

"You really were hungry." Harry chuckled as he took both of our plates. His laugh is so nice and deep. I'd never thought I'd compliment Harry Styles. "Are you okay with leaving at 11?"

"Yeah, that's great." My feet jumped down from the stool I sat down on and my hand immediately grabbed on to my stomach. I always overeat and I never really care. "Thank you for breakfast, it was delicious." We smiled at each other before I left to go upstairs and take a shower. 

After taking my time to look out of the window to see the watery view I'm obsessed with, I got a warm towel and went in to the en-suite bathroom. The modern glass surrounding the cubicle soon steamed up as I left the water to run as I got ready by placing my hair in a bun and then covering it all with a shower cap. 

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