Chapter 34- Daisy

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Chapter 34- Daisy

"She stood out in the crowd, was a little too loud but that's why we love her.

She's not like other girls, she could of conquered the world unnntil you broke her, dowwwwnnnn.

Are you happy now? That she's on the ground and do you realise the words you say make bruises that don't fade away? Are you happpyy now, that you've brought her down and she's thinking that she wont fit in 'cus you said something's wrong with her. Are you happy now?" 

My eyes fled to the glass window where Hailey stood. She had been crying and I hadn't even realised that she was listening to me singing all that time. I hadn't noticed the tears strolling down my cheeks, either, until Hailey had switched the backing track of the song off from the panel, stopping me from crying a river and singing the rest.

I couldn't look her in the eyes and I wouldn't think about her coming in, to talk to me. I hadn't sung that song for ages and I didn't know what had caused it. The last time Hailey heard me sing that song was when I came back, ruined mentally and physically with cuts and bruises all over my body. I've never sung that song since the bad days and I wasn't planning on singing it ever again.

I wanted her to switch the music back on, I wanted to sing the rest of the song no matter how much it would of hurt me. No matter how many bad memories would come flooding back in to my mind, I wanted to sing the song all the way through.It was the only pop song I would sing to myself, to remind me. I wanted to think about how I was ruined, how I was messed around with. I wouldn't of become so strong if it weren't for them. 

Hailey tried to stop crying before unlocking the studio door and coming in to sit opposite me. Her head was facing the floor and her sniffles were obliterating the silence. I didn't want her to come in. I didn't want that to happen again. 

"Why were you singing that?" She finally spoke, lifting her head. Her eyes were bloodshot from the tears they had created.

"I don't know." My lip quivered. "I really don't know..."

"Please don't sing it. I don't want you to go back to that..." She started to sob in to her hands a bit. A lot. "Daisy. They've gone, they're never coming back. There's no-one out there who's going to hurt you again." 

"I know. I really don't know what caused me to sing it. I'm sorry if it upset you."

"It's just I came down and I heard you singing it and playing a long and it bought it all back, you know?" 

"I thought you were on the phone to Dan?" I asked. My fingers tried to wipe my eyes clean, avoiding the makeup on my bottom lashes.

"He wont pick up. Of course he fucking wont." Hailey angrily breathed.

"Neither will Harry." I said, looking over at my phone. 

I had texted Harry about 5 times, asking if he was alright and I also called him a number of times. He didn't reply to any of the texts and everytime I called him he would either stop the phone from ringing or I got sent to voicemail. 

"I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday." Hailey said.

"It wasn't your fault." I sighed. "Maybe we should get out of here?"

"Yeah, I was going to call you back up to see me open all my lovely gifts." She smiled. Hailey took my hand, making me take the guitar from my lap and close my laptop before going back upstairs with her.

"You alright?" I smiled softly at my friend as I took a sit on the living room floor. She was still crying a bit, and for some reason she couldn't stop. 

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